World Asthma Day 2024 Know History Theme Significance


More than 300 million people throughout the world suffer from asthma, thus the Global Initiative for Asthma established World Asthma Day to bring attention to the condition and encourage better asthma treatment in countries around the world.  People all across the world celebrate on the first Tuesday of May annually. Asthma Day was first celebrated globally on May 5, 1998. Many groups and individuals worldwide hold events and do acts of service in honor of this day. This page will provide comprehensive information about World Asthma Day 2024, including its origins, significance, and goals.

What Causes Asthma and How to Stop It

Breathlessness, chest tightness, wheezing, and chest tightness are all symptoms of asthma, a lung illness that produces recurring episodes. A persistent cough also worsens in the morning and at night. There is currently no known cure or explanation for the condition. There are, however, methods available for keeping the situation under control.


In certain circumstances, asthma is produced by a combination of genetic predisposition and inhalation of environmental chemicals that are not completely understood. Asthma can be triggered by various environmental and occupational factors, including but not limited to house dust, mites in beds, carpets, and stuffed furniture; pollen and moulds; pollution and pet dander;  tobacco smoke; chemical irritants in the workplace; etc.


As explained by Dr Sheetu Singh, clinical history and breathing tests are useful in diagnosing asthma. Spirometry, a test of lung function, is useful in the diagnosis of asthma. However, most people with asthma don’t know it, and many cases go undiagnosed.


Dr Sheetu Singh can help you manage your asthma symptoms, but unfortunately, there is no cure. Asthma can be controlled with inhalers and other medications now on the market. In addition, regular exercise and other forms of physical activity can help alleviate asthma symptoms.

The theme for World Asthma Day 2023

Since most cases of asthma and deaths from the disease occur in developing nations. In 2023, “Asthma Care for All” will be the focus of World Asthma Day, as chosen by GINA, the Global Initiative for Asthma.

In 2022, “Closing Gaps in Asthma Care” will be the topic of World Asthma Day.

“Enough Asthma Deaths” was the topic for World Asthma Day in 2020. 

This year’s World Asthma Day was centred on the slogan “STOP for Asthma.” This motif stands for assessing symptoms, administering tests, observing results, making assessments, and modifying treatment. Asthma checkup camps are organised worldwide by the Global Initiative for Health (GINA). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) also hosts medical clinics where asthmatics can get free exams and medication.

The History of World Asthma Day

Over 35 countries marked World Asthma Day in 1998, coinciding with the first World Asthma Meeting in Barcelona, Spain. Asthma Awareness Day has rapidly grown to become the largest such event globally. The program aims to provide information to help people with asthma and other allergic disorders better manage their symptoms.

How do people commemorate World Asthma Day?

Asthma Awareness Day 2018 will occur on May 3, designated as Asthma Awareness Month. NAEPP is a group effort to raise awareness and get people to take action on asthma. People with Asthma are urged to document their treatment goals, including drug and location preferences, in an Asthma Action Plan (AAP).

By bringing together physicians, patients, and everyone involved in caring for those with asthma, NAEPP has taken a major step towards regaining disease control.

About GINA on World Asthma Day

The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) plans and executes World Asthma Day annually. GINA selects a new topic for the event every year.

Asthma Day is a global event, and GINA is responsible for coordinating all of the production and delivery of event materials and resources worldwide and running the World Asthma Day Internet Headquarters.

Some Activities that are Performed

  • To kick off the finest asthma treatment possible, free checkup camps are organised.
  • New asthma clinics and pharmacies are set up in those places that need them.
  • Several national Asthma Societies have commemorated World Asthma Day.
  • Messages like “fighting asthma with every breath” are shown on television and in the press to raise public awareness.
  • Asthma disease, its symptoms, precautions, and prevention are the subject of classes offered at several schools.
  • Posters and banners raising awareness of asthma are widely disseminated.

If you have Asthma, you should see Dr Sheetu Singh. Dr Sheetu Singh is an internationally recognised interstitial lung disease and pulmonary intervention expert. She garnered valuable expertise as a student at SMS Medical College and a visiting fellow at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States. She has worked with patients with asthma, COPD, TB, and sleep apnea as an associate professor at SMS Medical College. She has published extensively on her research at both the national and international levels.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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