Learn How To Control Asthma


How To Control Asthma: Asthma is one of the most common and long-term lung disorders that can lead to breathing difficulties. Inflammation of the airways commonly occurs, making breathing difficult. Symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath result from inflammation. These symptoms can vary from a small number to the worst of all.

There is no cure for asthma currently; it can be very well controlled through proper medication and some necessary lifestyle modifications. The skillful management of asthma allows people with this condition to avoid unwanted symptoms and attacks from happening too often, giving them the chance to lead a normal life without asthma constricting their activities.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover a few simple and practical things that are very helpful in managing asthma. You may not even notice it, but with just a few minutes of daily effort, you can drastically reduce flare-ups and enjoy an active, unrestricted lifestyle by managing your asthma properly.

Know Your Triggers

The first step towards controlling asthma is identifying elements that tend to aggravate it, clinically termed as ‘triggers’. Common asthma triggers include:

  • Outdoor allergens like pollen, pollution
  • Indoor irritants like dust mites, pet hair
  • Weather changes like cold, dry air
  • Physical activity
  • Emotions like stress, laughter, crying
  • Certain medications like aspirin, ibuprofen
  • Infections like cold, flu
  • Food preservatives like sulfites

Track a record book that will reveal trends between exposures and asthma flare-ups. This knowledge assists you in checking and moving away from those environmental triggers that are likely to cause you emotional distress. Let us consider a scenario where pollen is the common element. If pollen transpired into asthma, stay indoors mostly when counting is high.

Use Controller & Rescue Inhalers Correctly

Asthma inhalers – particularly controller and rescue medications – form the mainstay of managing asthma symptoms.

  • Controller inhalers like corticosteroids are used daily to keep inflammation under long-term control
  • Rescue inhalers like bronchodilators provide fast relief during sudden attacks by relaxing airway muscles

Using inhalers incorrectly can limit drug delivery efficacy. So practice the right technique guided by your doctor. Additionally, establish a fixed routine for controllers rather than using only when symptomatic for best results.

Monitor Lung Function

Knowing how much your lungs are working and doing is the most effective way to keep asthma under control. If your doctor thought necessary, he/she may request you to do a peak flow meter test at home to measure your lung function. It is a measure that shows stenosis objectively. Set up a log that shows your peak flow readings so that you can discover the slope before the symptoms become worse.

On the other end, watch out for asthma symptoms. Pay attention to whether you experience breathing difficulties during the night or resort to the use of the inhaler for an asthma attack more frequently. Realizing that you have noticed the first symptoms is just the beginning of the process of making the necessary medication adjustments or taking any other preventive measures. Take the initiative to immediately inform your doctor whenever there are changes in your asthma status. They have the power to help you review your treatment and get the symptoms better managed.

Make Lifestyle Modifications

Certain healthy lifestyle changes can go a long way in keeping asthma attacks in check when done consistently. Key tips include:

  • Maintain healthy body weight
  • Stay adequately hydrated
  • Follow a balanced nutritional diet with omega-3 rich foods, antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C
  • Reduce intake of processed foods, excessive salt, sugar, additives
  • Quit smoking & avoid second-hand smoke
  • Practice exercise to improve lung capacity but stay warm in cold temperatures
  • Adopt stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, music therapy

Such modifications bolster immunity and reduce inflammation, thereby preventing frequent flare-ups.

Create an Asthma Action Plan

Creating a written asthma action plan in consultation with your doctor is wise. This plan should document medications to take, dosages, emergency numbers, etc. Tailor it according to your typical symptoms—mild, moderate, or severe.

Key inclusions should be:

  • List of all medications + when and how much to take
  • Peak flow meter readings for reference
  • Symptoms signaling worsening asthma
  • Measures and medications to control early warning signs
  • Danger signs indicating the need for emergency care
  • Emergency contact information – doctor, hospital

Having this handy during asthma attacks can ensure prompt, appropriate response and care.


While a chronic condition like asthma may seem difficult to manage, following these key steps and lifestyle measures can go a long way in keeping it under control. Expert guidance from a specialist – Dr. Sheetu Singh, offers excellent asthma treatment. She will also help you effectively manage and reduce symptoms over the long run. See Dr Sheetu Singh regularly to monitor your asthma control. She may periodically check your lung function and adjust your medications if needed. Dr Sheetu Singh can also provide education on proper inhaler technique and using a peak flow meter at home. With disciplined care, you can prevent asthma attacks from disrupting your quality of life and confidently stay symptom-free for prolonged periods.

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Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380

Email-Id: sheetusingh@yahoo.co.in

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