What is the Difference Between Communicable and Infectious Diseases

Although “infectious” and “contagious” are frequently used interchangeably to describe illnesses their meanings are quite different. Infectious and communicable diseases are two different types of illnesses with different symptoms and transmission modes. Communicable diseases are those that can be transmitted from one person to another through various methods such as droplets, direct contact or contaminated surfaces. These illnesses frequently spread quickly within communities and if not properly controlled, can cause outbreaks or epidemics.
On the other hand, infectious diseases encompass a broader range of illnesses caused by microorganisms like viruses, fungi, bacteria or parasites. Not all infectious diseases are contagious, even though many of them are, as some can be spread by mosquitoes or the environment. As a result, all communicable diseases are infectious, not all infectious diseases are necessarily communicable. Dr. Sheetu Singh, a specialist in infectious diseases, possesses the knowledge and experience needed to treat, diagnose and provide invaluable advice on various infectious ailments.
Infectious Disease
An infectious disease is merely an infection. That occurs when a bacterium enters your body and settles in. This entails an exponential rate of cell division and growth for bacteria and fungi. On the other hand, viruses face the additional challenge of invading human cells and seizing control of their functioning centers.
Infectious & Not Communicable
Although all communicable diseases are infectious, not all infections are communicable. For example, Tetanus can cause an infection, but a person with Tetanus infection can’t spread it to another person. The bacteria live in dust and dirt and get inside your body through abrasions like scrapes, cuts or punctures. Although the bacterium can cause extremely dangerous infections and illnesses in people, it will almost certainly never cause a worldwide pandemic.
Invisible Infections Communicable Disease
A communicable disease is a contagious one. The effect is external. If someone contracts the disease, they may fall ill and infect the next person with the pathogen, which could be a virus, cold or other disease-causing agent. This can lead to isolated outbreaks and small or full-scale pandemics. The flu is one example of this, which occurs annually in the United States from around October to May. The influenza virus spreads widely as it is conveyed from person to person and through contaminated objects. One to two additional people who aren’t immune will probably catch the virus for every person who already has it.
Methods of Transmission
Nature is inventive when it comes to how viruses might spread through a population. These are just a few of the most common ways that bacteria spread.
Pathogens that go from one person to another can be transmitted several ways through respiratory droplets like sneezing or coughing, contact with blood, sexual activity or from mother to child during birth, pregnancy or breastfeeding. Although the germ can spread more easily when you are actively ill and sneezing or coughing frequently, you don’t need to have symptoms to be contagious. For instance, Measles can be spread up to four days before the distinctive rash appears and the virus can remain in the air for up to two hours after you leave the area.
Certain microbes are transmitted by a more convoluted person-vector path rather than directly from person to person. For instance, mosquitoes carry the parasite that causes malaria after biting a person who has the disease and then transmitting it to the next person they bite. The mere presence of mosquitoes is insufficient for disease transmission; they primarily act as conduits. Without the presence of individuals infected with malaria, mosquitoes cannot transmit the disease.
Hand-washing holds great significance in disease prevention due to the abundance of everyday objects we come into contact with, teeming with harmful germs capable of causing illness. During flu and cold season, It’s usual for viruses to spread to the next person by accidentally wiping a runny nose and then touching a doorknob. When you approach them from behind to open the same door, the viruses adhere to your skin and wait for an opening to enter your body, frequently when you are rubbing your eyes or touching your nose.
Fecal-Oral and Foodborne
The term fecal-oral refers to the transmission of germs through an oral surface that has been polluted with feces. For instance, a person who neglected to wash their hands after using the restroom can infect a doorknob. If another person touches the same doorknob and then puts his or her hand in their mouth, they could become infected.
Another way of contamination is food poisoning, caused by ingestion of toxins usually from spoiled food. The spoiled food may contain parasites, toxins and bacteria. Most often the bacteria that spoil food and can cause illness in humans include Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Coli, Botulinum, Cholera, Campylobacter and Listeria.