world polio day 24 October 2023
Every year on October 24, the world celebrates World Polio Day. It is a day dedicated to making the world polio-free. It is a day to celebrate the progress made in eradicating polio and to commemorate the achievements of health workers and volunteers who work diligently to achieve the goal. The World Health Organization defines polio as a serious disease caused by a virus that targets the nervous system and can result in permanent paralysis.
Global Handwashing Day is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to promoting soap-free handwashing as a simple, practical, and cost-effective strategy to prevent disease and save lives. The Global Handwashing Partnership founded Global Handwashing Day as an opportunity to design, test, and repeat unique ways to urge people to wash their hands with soap at key times. Global Handwashing Day is celebrated every year on October 15th.  The first Global Handwashing Day was held in
H3N2 Flu Symptoms, Treatment, Outlook and Prevention
Colds, flu and fever are the first illnesses to show up when the weather and climate change. H3N2 is one Influenza that has received a lot of recent attention. H3N2 is a non-human Influenza that normally circulates in pigs but can infect humans. The viruses known as “swine influenza viruses” commonly affect pigs. They are known as “variant” viruses when they affect people. A few reasons why H3N2 is spreading in India include low vaccination
8 Most Common Food Allergies in Babies
Most Common Food Allergies in Babies :- It’s an exciting and important experience to introduce new meals to your kid. All too frequently, anxiety, doubts and worries regarding food allergies can dampen this incredibly wonderful period. Over the past decade, there has been a sharp rise in the prevalence of food allergies, with some foods seeing a double- or triple-fold increase. In the US today, around 1 in 13 kids suffer from a food allergy.
6 Most Common Types of Allergies
A food allergy is an immune system response that happens immediately after consuming a particular meal. A relatively small quantity of allergenic food can result in symptoms like gastrointestinal problems, rashes or expanded airways. A food allergy may in some cases result in severe symptoms or even a life-threatening reaction known as Anaphylaxis. An allergy develops when your body’s natural defenses overreact after being exposed to a certain substance, viewing it as an invader and
6 Most Common Types of Allergies
In the United States, allergies are the sixth most common cause of chronic illness. Over 50 million Americans are thought to suffer from some kind of allergy. An allergen, which is a foreign material, triggers an Immunological response or overreaction in people with this illness. Many foreign substances can trigger an allergic reaction, ranging from medications, pets, foods and airborne particles inhaled through the lungs. The symptoms can range from moderate (coughing, itchy eyes, a
What is Allergy Causes, Symptoms, Types, Reaction, Treatment and Management
A medical disease known as an Allergy occurs when the body’s immune system responds improperly to a foreign chemical. An allergen is the substance responsible for the allergy. Allergies are your body’s reaction to normally nontoxic substances. Allergy symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. The common allergic disorders in India comprise allergic rhinitis, insect allergy, Urticaria, Eczema, Decongestants, nasal steroids, Antihistamines, Asthma medicines and Immunotherapy. Since the previous few decades, allergic disorders have significantly increased
What is Sleep Apnea, Causes, Symptoms , Diagnosis and Treatment
When you have sleep apnea, you stop breathing while you’re asleep. Your brain tries to protect you by waking you awake enough to breathe, but this inhibits restful, good sleep. This issue can develop into major consequences over time. However, this illness is frequently quite controllable, especially when prescribed therapies are strictly followed.  What is Sleep Apnea? When you have sleep apnea, your breathing stops while you are asleep. You stop breathing while you’re sleeping,
Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea : Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common condition that affects 10% to 30% of people. A complete or partial collapse of the upper airway during sleep is a frequent occurrence in people with OSA. This can lead to gasping and snoring, daytime sleepiness, disrupted sleep and morning headaches. A range of treatments have been developed for obstructive sleep apnea including surgical interventions, oral appliances, respirators, implanted nerve stimulators, lifestyle changes
Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is characterized by episodes of breathing cessation or shallow breathing in sleep. These occurrences are brought on by the full or partial collapse of the upper airway. Most frequently, snoring, oxygen desaturation and brief awakenings from sleep are linked to respiratory events. Sleep apnea is usually worse during lying and rapid eye movement sleep. Diagnosing and managing obstructive sleep apnea is critical for improving the overall health and quality of life of
Types of Inhalers for Asthma and COPD Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary and Asthma Disease are long-term respiratory conditions that make it difficult for an individual to breathe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate more than 25 million people in the United States had Asthma as of 2019, including 5 million children under 18 years. Although neither ailment has a cure, there are treatments available. Inhaling medication into the airways directly with a nebulizer or a portable inhaler is the most popular
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
When it comes to our health, knowledge is power. Understanding medical conditions and their implications can make a world of difference, both in prevention and treatment. One such condition we’ll explore in this blog is Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP). It may sound complex, but we’ll break it down into simple terms, making it easy for everyone to comprehend. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clearer understanding of what HP is, its causes, symptoms,
Exploring Inhaler Treatment Options for COPD
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can receive treatments using a variety of inhaler devices and novel inhalers are continually being developed. The preparation and use techniques differ between each type of device and each has advantages and downsides. Many inhalers are used incorrectly because of inconsistent usage instructions, which can easily mislead both patients and medical professionals.  The inhaled route is preferred for the delivery of Corticosteroids and Bronchodilators used in the maintenance therapy
Use of Metered Dose Inhalers, Spacers and Nebulizers
Metered dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers and nebulizers are modes of aerosol drug delivery that are used to treat respiratory disorders such as Obstructive Lung Disorders, Asthma, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Cystic Fibrosis and Infectious Pulmonary Disease. A spacer is an external device connected to an MDI, to enhance drug administration through improved actuation and inhalation coordination. To inquire about inhalers, contact Dr. Sheetu Singh, a knowledgeable and experienced healthcare professional specializing in respiratory care. She
Advantages-Disadvantages and Uses of MDI-DPI
What is MDI? A pressurized sprayer known as a metered dose inhaler provides a specific dosage of medication. It is typically used to treat respiratory conditions like COPD and Asthma. Metered dose inhalers are simple to use. It comprises a compact, pressurized container holding medication, a dosage indicator and a mouthpiece or mask used for administering the medication. When the MDI is activated, the patient inhales the small mist or spray of medication that is
International Yoga Day 2024
International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June every year. This day is the longest day of the year and yoga helps people live longer lives. As the sun rises on 21st June 2024, individuals from all around the world will gather to celebrate International Yoga Day. International Yoga Day celebrates the spiritual and physical prowess that yoga has brought to the world stage. Although millions of people participate and practice it daily, it is
Benefits and Limitations of Inhalers and Nebulizers
Nebulizers and inhalers, which were introduced to the world in the 1930s and 1950s, respectively, were precisely the inventions that patients with lung conditions like asthma had long wished for. This meant that patients could now easily inhale the medication that was required to manage and treat their illnesses. Nebulizers were the first to be invented and were certainly appreciated, but you couldn’t carry one about with you to work or school. As a result,
Infectious Diseases in Adults - Drsheetusingh
Infectious Diseases in Adults :- Infectious illnesses account for one-third of all fatalities in adults aged 65 and older. The usual warning signs and symptoms, such as fever and leukocytosis, are frequently missing in the elderly, making early detection more challenging. The only presenting issue in an older patient with an illness can be a change in mental status or a reduction in function. Pneumonia is estimated to be the cause of 90 percent of
Significance of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
According to the World Health Organization, infection prevention and control (IPC) is a scientific strategy and workable solution created to stop the harm that parasites can do to patients and healthcare professionals. It is an element of epidemiology that is important for understanding social sciences, global health and infectious illnesses. To improve patient safety and the health system overall, effective IPC is a public health concern. According to the WHO’s core components of IPC, access
What is the difference between Communicable & Infectious Diseases
Although “infectious” and “contagious” are frequently used interchangeably to describe illnesses their meanings are quite different. Infectious and communicable diseases are two different types of illnesses with different symptoms and transmission modes. Communicable diseases are those that can be transmitted from one person to another through various methods such as droplets, direct contact or contaminated surfaces. These illnesses frequently spread quickly within communities and if not properly controlled, can cause outbreaks or epidemics.  On the
28 Devastating Infectious Diseases
The Impact of 28 Devastating Infectious Diseases :- Infectious diseases still exist today and have affected human history. Such contagious diseases are on many of our minds as the new coronavirus spreads over mainland China and other parts of the world. Here is a look at some of the worst of these epidemics, including the latest SARS, new coronavirus and Zika virus as well as Ebola and Dengue.  The new coronavirus :- The 2019 novel
Infectious Disease, Types, Causes and Treatments
Infectious diseases are illnesses brought on by pathogens, which are dangerous substances that enter your body. The most common causes are bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Infectious diseases usually spread through contaminated food or water, from person to person and through bug bites. Some infectious diseases are very serious and some are minor. Infectious diseases are illnesses brought on by pathogens—dangerous organisms—that enter your body from the outside. Pathogens that cause infectious diseases are bacteria,
A 34-year-old female was presented with progressive dyspnea for one month. This was accompanied by short breath which lasted for the same period of a month. She has a history of unknown poisoning, for which she was put on a ventilator, following which she had a tracheostomy in April 2023. Shortness of breath is one of the major symptoms of this condition, as the disease becomes progressively chronic, it lasts longer than one month. Post-intubation
We examine the top 10 infectious diseases for 2023 in this post. Numerous various bacteria, ranging from a mild cold virus to pulmonary TB, can induce coughing and fever. What is an infection? An infection occurs when a microorganism- such as fungi, bacteria or virus enters a person’s body and causes harm. The immune system can frequently prevent these viruses from multiplying within the body. The microorganism relies on the host’s body to survive, procreate,
Chest Specialist in Jaipur
As the name implies, a pulmonologist is a doctor who specialises in diagnosing and treating breathing problems. Asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,  sleep apnea, and many other respiratory illnesses are all within their scope of practice. They also offer preventative services, such as help quitting smoking and getting necessary vaccines. Pulmonologists frequently collaborate with other medical professionals to give their patients the best possible care. If you’ve been looking for the greatest chest
More than 300 million people throughout the world suffer from asthma, thus the Global Initiative for Asthma established World Asthma Day to bring attention to the condition and encourage better asthma treatment in countries around the world.  People all across the world celebrate on the first Tuesday of May annually. Asthma Day was first celebrated globally on May 5, 1998. Many groups and individuals worldwide hold events and do acts of service in honor of
international yoga day 2023
On June 21, the globe celebrates International Yoga Day to acknowledge the divine force of yoga that has been felt across humanity. Millions of individuals practice yoga every day as an effective form of exercise. Yoga is used by people to achieve a holy union of the mind, body, and soul. Over 5,000 years ago, yoga first appeared in India. As a result, it is a traditional kind of physical activity and meditation that was
An ordinary method to examine the surface of your lungs and the region surrounding them (pleural space) is a thoracoscopy. Your healthcare provider uses a thoracoscope to see these areas and take samples of lymph nodes or lung tissue. They can see your esophagus, chest wall, diaphragm, and other areas as well. If you are in search of the best doctor for thoracoscopy treatment in India, then contact Dr. Sheetu Singh, she is the best
A surgical procedure called bronchoscopy allows patients to see into their airways. Surgeons can examine the trachea, main stem bronchi, and some of the smaller bronchi using advanced flexible fiber optic equipment. This treatment can be done on kids to get rid of inhaled foreign things. If your doctor utilizes a stiff scope, you will be pain-free and asleep. Your throat and mouth will be sprayed with a numbing liquid medication by your doctor. On
A method called endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) bronchoscopy is used to identify various lung conditions, such as infections or cancer. A flexible tube that enters your mouth and travels to your windpipe and lungs is the instrument used. A tiny video camera that captures photographs of your lungs and the surrounding area is at the end of the tube. The images can be used to identify and assess areas of your lung that require further examination
A chest infection affects your lungs, either in the larger airways (bronchitis) or in the smaller air sacs (pneumonia). You have difficulty breathing because of the swelling of the airways and the accumulation of pus and fluid (mucus). Chest infection can affect people of all ages. Elderly and young children are more at risk, as well as people who are ill and smokers. Since viruses often cause most chest infections, your body’s immune system will
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that may be caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Lung air sacs (alveoli) get infected and swell with fluid or pus as a result of the infection. The oxygen you breathe in may have a difficult time entering your system as a result. Despite the fact that most lung infections are curable and the majority of patients recover, severe infections can be quite hazardous. This is especially true
A persistent cough causes more than just irritation. You may feel exhausted if your persistent cough keeps you up at night. A severe chronic cough may result in vomiting, dizziness, and even broken ribs. Smoking, postnasal drip, asthma, and acid reflux are the most common causes of a chronic cough, though it can occasionally be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Fortunately, if the underlying issue is resolved, the chronic cough usually goes away. If
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly starts and stops. If you feel tired or snore loudly even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea. The main types of sleep apnea are obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea (CSA), and treatment-emergent central sleep apnea. If you are looking for the best doctor for (OSA) obstructive sleep apnea treatment in India, Dr. Sheetu Singh, best obstructive sleep
What Is COPD - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Chronic pulmonary disorder (COPD) is a condition where the lungs become inflamed, obstructing the movement of air out of the lungs. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are two conditions that contribute to COPD. Inflammation of the bronchial tube lining is referred to as chronic bronchitis. These tubes transport air to and from the lungs’ air sacs. If you are looking for the best doctor for COPD treatment in India, then Dr. Sheetu Singh is best chronic
Asthma is a chronic lung disease affecting people of all ages. Breathing becomes more difficult as a result of inflammation and muscular stiffness around the airways. Symptoms can include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can be mild or severe and can go and come over time. Even though asthma can be a serious condition, the appropriate management can help. People with asthma symptoms should consult a medical expert. Dr. Sheetu
Best Asthma Specialist Doctor in Jaipur - Dr. Sheetu Singh
Best Doctor for Asthma Treatment in Jaipur : In 2019, asthma affected an estimated 262 million people and killed 4,55,000 people. Asthma symptoms can be controlled with inhaled medication, allowing patients with asthma to live a normal, active life. The majority of asthma deaths occur in low- and lower-middle-income countries, where underdiagnosis and undertreatment are frequent. Asthma is a serious noncommunicable disease (NCD) that affects both children and adults and is the most common chronic
World Hemophilia Day - 7 April 2023
World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on 17th April every year, seeking to improve awareness of hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders. The day is celebrated in honor of Frank Schnabel, founder of the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH). The meta-analysis revealed that the inherited bleeding disorder affects over 1,125,000 men worldwide, with 418,000 suffering from a severe form of the disease that often goes undiagnosed. This represents a significant increase from the previous estimate of
Types of Allergy - Dr. Sheetu Singh
Types of Allergy: Allergies develop when your immune system reacts to foreign material- such as pollen, bee venom, or pet dander- or a food that most people do not react to. Antibodies are chemicals created by your immune system. When you have allergies, your immune system develops antibodies that identify a particular allergen as deadly, even if it is not. When you come into contact with an allergen, your immune system’s reaction may cause inflammation
H3N2 attacking kids and elderly
Doctors warn that because the H3N2 Virus is attacking kids and the elderly, it is essential to re-enforce Covid guidelines like wearing masks, social separation, and other pandemic-era rules. Many youngsters and the elderly get infected with this virus and recover in 10 to 12 days. According to health professionals, 7% of youngsters are admitted to ICUs. The virus is classified as a flu virus, but its effect is similar to a corona, in that
Effect Of Dust Aerosol on Patients With Asthma
Asthma is an episodic disease with sickness and well-being phases. Many triggers produce the illness episodes. Pollution, smoking occupational sensitizers, illnesses, and indoor and outdoor allergens have all been associated with asthma exacerbations. Several factors have been suspected of causing asthma exacerbations, although the precise process is unknown. Effect of Dust Aerosol in patients with Asthma is an important type of aerosol in the atmosphere; it affects the climate system, as well as the marine
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis causes, symptoms & treatment
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is an uncommon immune system condition that affects your lungs. Bird fancier’s lung, extrinsic allergic alveolitis, farmer’s lung, hot tub lung, and humidifier lung are all names for this disease. HP occurs in some people after they breathe in certain substances in the environment, such as the skin cells shed by animals with fur or mold. These substances activate the immune system and cause short-or long-term lung inflammation. This inflammation prevents the lungs
Acute sore throat Symptoms, causes and treatment
When you feel an itchy, painful, and irritating feeling in the back of your throat, and troubles you during swallowing, it is most likely a acute sore throat. It is medically referred to as pharyngitis. There are many reasons responsible for this throat problem, the most common being viral infections such as colds or flu. Many bacterial agents can also cause sore causes and require medical attention, along with antibiotics for complete recovery and prevent
What Is Community Acquired Pneumonia - Dr Sheetu Singh
Community acquired Pneumonia or CAP is also pneumonia, but is caused outside the hospital, and is acquired outdoors in the public. So, People who have not been to any healthcare facility recently can acquire pneumonia from other sources outside the hospital premises. Pneumonia is an infection caused in the lungs and affects normal breathing, leading to difficulties in usual respiratory health. This infection inflames the air sacs of our lungs. The lungs are the site
Lung Cancer Causes and Stages
Cancer is any abnormal growth of cellular mass due to the deposition of damaged cells dividing uncontrollably. It can be can spread from one part of the body to the other part. Cell division is a normal process of our body to replace damaged or worn-out cells, new cells replace the old cells during normal cell division, as every cell of our body has a life span of its own. Lung cancer process of cell
What Is COPD - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is a broad term for diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Just like any other respiratory disease, these diseases also cause difficulty in breathing thus affecting our routine lives. If conditions remain undiagnosed and untreated, they can lead to permanent and irreversible lung damage.  COPD is a progressive condition of the respiratory tract showing mild symptoms initially that intensify with time. The correct diagnosis followed by the required
What is the difference between bacterial and viral infections
Pathogens are those little organisms that can not be seen by the naked eye. These micro-organisms find their way into the human body, establishing themselves, resulting in one or the other disease. These organisms multiply inside the human body, derive nutrition from it, take shelter and in return cause pathogenicity. Although not all bacteria are pathogenic, some are useful too. They prevent other bacteria or organisms from settling inside the same body. Let’s find what
Impact of air pollution on health
Impact of air pollution is a global public health concern leading to significant morbidity and mortality. It is the ninth leading cause of death across the world. Air pollution contributes to cardiac and respiratory diseases, amongst the diseases of chest asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and respiratory tract infections such as tuberculosis and lung cancer. What are the Sources of Air Pollution? The major contributors to outdoor pollution are vehicular exhaust, industrial air pollution, burning
Winter cough Cause, Treatment, and remedies- Dr. Sheetu Singh
Coughing is a common disease all year round, but respiratory diseases increase during winter. The virus does not change with the season nor does the seasonal variation make it more contagious. But, the survival of the virus increases with the drop in temperature, i.e., the virus remains in the environment for a longer time. Also, winters are the season of extreme dryness. This dryness affects our respiratory passage too making the hold of the virus
What is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ARDS is a condition generated due to a lack of oxygen in the lungs. This deficiency occurs due to the build-up of fluid in the tiny sacs present inside the lungs which are called alveoli. This reduces the supply of blood in the organs using which they function properly.  Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome occurs in people with already existing critical illnesses or having any significant injuries. Many patients suffering from this condition do not survive.