
We all know how the immune system plays a role in colds and flu. Our bodies use it to fight viruses and bacteria. But how does it affect allergies? Here is a look at the link between allergies and immune health, along with some tips how to boost immune system. As a body’s army, the immune system’s primary job is to keep us healthy and free from disease. So, immune systems are very complex. This includes the hairs on your nose, the stomach acid that kills bacteria, and the digestive system in which immune cells gather. If Once pathogens pass through the body’s many frontline defenses (e.g. skin, hair, stomach acid), a response occurs, in which immune cells attack the pathogens and kill them. This usually results in cold or flu symptoms.

In what sense does the immune system function?

Symptoms of the common cold and flusymptoms of allergiesIt is both
Neck lymph nodes swelledAn itchy skin conditionA blocked or runny nose
Having a feverEye irritationCough
Aches and pains in muscles and jointsWeakness
A sneeze
Sore throat

During an allergic reaction, how does the immune system react?

If Whenever you experience any types of allergy symptoms like coughing or sneezing, it is likely that your immune system is at the root of the problem. Symptoms such as these can be caused by hypersensitive immune systems that react to harmless substances. The immune system, made up of mast cells, has an important role to play in fighting infection. However, the best way to fight allergies is to boost the immune system. A mast cell detects an allergen by releasing histamine and other chemicals into the bloodstream. A runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, swelling, rashes, irritated skin, and redness are all allergy symptoms caused by histamine. Patients are usually treated with antihistamines to prevent mast cells from being overactivated and producing too much histamine.

Is allergic reaction a sign that the immune system is weakened?

Allergy symptoms suggest a system that is reacting out of proportion to the threat it faces; however, this does not necessarily imply a weak immune system. The immune system’s reaction would be more appropriately described as abnormal. Having healthy and strong immunity is crucial when fighting allergy symptoms. You might experience allergy symptoms for longer than usual if your immune system is weak.

Is there a way for me to strengthen my immune system against allergies?

The immune system and allergies are closely related, so it makes sense to take care of your immune system if you want to manage allergies well. But, let’s go over my best tips for managing allergies.

  • Vitamin C! 

This nutrient is an ally of the immune system, supporting the production of white blood cells that fight infection. So, you can also try a blueberry banana smoothie or carrot ginger soup for added vitamins!

  • Stay hydrated.

 Most of us know that water is good for health in various ways, but are you aware that it is also good for the immune system? Supporting the immune system’s communication and biochemical pathways may be made easier by proper hydration.

  • Stress-relief. 

In addition to suppressing our bodies’ immune response, prolonged stress has been shown to have even more damaging effects. Even 70% of the immune system can be suppressed by chronic stress! 

  • Examine your diet. 

A variety of foods plays a crucial role in boosting immunity, and this has long been established. When meal planning, think about color and variety. Beige will not do anything for you!

  • Maintain a healthy digestive system. 

Because most immune cells live in the gut, it makes sense to keep it healthy. Gut bacteria aid digestion. You may consider taking a probiotic.

  • Consider taking a supplement. 

Many products are available on the market, but Immune Support stands out because it contains zinc, vitamin D, and nasturtium.

More to come! Introducing our A-Z guide to supporting your immune system by Dr. Sheetu Singh


People who use tobacco are likely to experience strong tobacco addiction or smoking urges. It is possible to resist these urges. If you feel an urge to use tobacco, keep in mind that, regardless of whether or not you smoke a cigarette or chew tobacco, it will likely pass within 5 to 10 minutes. You take a step towards stopping tobacco use every time you resist a craving. The following are ten ways to help you avoid smoking or using tobacco when you have a craving.

You can try nicotine replacement therapy

If you are interested in nicotine replacement therapy, speak with your health care provider. You can choose from:-

  • Nicotine inhalers or nasal sprays on prescription
  • Without a prescription, you can purchase nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges
  • Stop-smoking medicines that do not contain nicotine, such as bupropion (Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL, others) and varenicline

Nicotine gum, lozenges, nasal sprays, and inhalers – as well as short-acting nicotine replacement therapies, can help you overcome intense cravings. When combined with long-acting nicotine patches or non-nicotine stop-smoking drugs, short-acting therapies are usually safe.

There has been a lot of interest in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes recently. Despite this, e-cigarettes aren’t as safe or effective as nicotine-replacement medication when it comes to helping people quit smoking.

Try to avoid triggers

The strongest tobacco addiction is probably found in places where you smoked or chewed tobacco. Such as at parties and bars, or when you are stressed or drinking coffee. Prepare a plan to avoid your triggers or cope with them without using tobacco.

Don’t put yourself at risk of relapsing. Rather than smoking while you talk on the phone, keep a pen and paper nearby to keep you occupied with doodling.

  • The delay

Whenever you feel like you’re about to succumb to your tobacco craving, tell yourself to wait 10 minutes first. If it helps, do something distracting in the meantime. For instance, go to a public smoking area. If you do these things, you may be able to overcome your tobacco addiction.

  • Chew on it

You can resist a tobacco craving by giving your mouth something to do. Pop some sugarless gum in your mouth or eat some hard candy. If you’d like to snack on something crunchy and tasty, try raw carrots, nuts, or sunflower seeds.

  • Don’t have ‘just one

To satisfy a tobacco craving, you might just smoke one cigarette. However, do not think that’s the end. It is common for one to lead to another. Eventually, you may find yourself smoking again.

  • Get in shape

You can avoid the addiction to tobacco by engaging in physical activity. Running a few times up and down the stairs can reduce a tobacco craving, even if it is short-live. Try walking or jogging.

Try squats, deep knee bends, pushups, running in place, or climbing steps if you’re at home or at work. You can also try prayer, sewing, woodworking, or writing in a journal if you aren’t into physical activity. You can also clean or file documents to distract yourself.

  • Practice relaxation techniques

Stress may have been relieved by smoking. It can be stressful to fight back against a tobacco craving. Use calming methods to reduce stress such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, yoga, meditation, or listening to calming music.

  • Request reinforcements

For help resisting a tobacco craving, talk to a family member, friend, or member of a support group. You can talk on the phone, take a walk, share a few laughs, or meet in person. You can also seek counseling. Support and counseling can be obtained by calling – Dr Sheetu Singh.

  • Online support is available

Become a member of an online smoking cessation program. You can also leave encouraging comments on an experienced quitter’s blog for others who may be suffering from tobacco cravings. You can find out what other people have done when they experience tobacco cravings. However, if you are looking for a consult of a doctor then connect with Dr Sheetu Singh

Keep in mind the benefits

Why you want to quit smoking and resist tobacco cravings should be written down or spoken aloud. Among these reasons are How can you quit smoking:-

  1. Getting better
  2. Healthy living
  3. Preventing secondhand smoke from harming your loved ones
  4. Money-saving

You are better off doing something than nothing if you want to fight the urge to use tobacco. Your goal of being tobacco-free will be closed every time you resist a tobacco addiction.


Do asthma drugs affect pregnancy Asthma control may alter during pregnancy, so it’s important to keep an eye on it.

Risk to a fetus is more in poorly controlled asthma as compared to the risk of medications. Inhaled glucocorticoids, theophylline, beta-2 agonists, and leukotriene inhibitors are not associated with any fetal anomalies.

Yes in many studies it has been shown that heartburn worsens asthma and proton pump inhibitors have been shown to improve asthma control. In severe GERD, surgery may also be need to control asthma symptoms. However, routine use of PPI in asymptomatic GERD in asthmatics is not of any benefit.

What is Difficult Asthma?

It was in 1998 that Peter Barnes gave the concept of difficult asthma. Most asthmatics are control with ICS. But 5% are not control. Now BTS & GINA have also defined difficult asthma.

Asthma symptoms not controlled by step 4 medications (reliever + 2 or more controllers)

  1. Recheck diagnosis of asthma
  2. Adherence
  3. Smoking history – present or past
  4. Co-morbidities – GERD, sinusitis, obesity, sleep apnea

What is steroid-resistant asthma?

Glucocorticoids (GCs) have potent anti-inflammatory actions and are the most effective agents in the treatment of asthma. Asthmatics have 2 spectrums of disease steroid-responsive at one end and steroid-resistant at the other end. Patients with chronic asthma who are unresponsive to high doses of GCs and are without confounding factors have been termed GC-resistant.

There is no known treatment for glucocorticoid-resistant asthma. Treatment strategies include the use of higher doses of systemic glucocorticoids for a longer duration, nonglucocorticoid agents (eg, beta-adrenergic agonists, anticholinergic agents, anti leukotriene agents, omalizumab, cromolyn) and nonpharmacologic therapies (eg, trigger avoidance, bronchial thermoplasty). Small clinical trials of anti-interleukin (IL)-5 and anti-IL-13 have showed some benefit in GC-resistant asthma patients, but many of these innovative medicines require additional evidence of clinically relevant effects.

What are Allergy Shots?

Allergy shots are another name for immunotherapy. Subcutaneous or sublingual administration is possible. The ideal patient for IT should be more than 5 yr, with mild to moderate disease, few dominant allergens, seasonal exacerbations, patients on daily prophylactic medicines (wants to take less), and improved QOL. Not appropriate <5yr, >60 yr, h/o anaphylaxis, lack of availability of well-tested allergens.

  • Long-term effects of IT persist even after IT is discontinue.
  • SLIT: less effective than SCIT,
  • Safer but not totally.
  • Shown effective as monotherapy.
  • Dosing issues persist.
  • Not shown to be effective in a mixture of antigens.
  • Not yet approved in our country.

Is asthma a lifelong problem or can it be cured?

There are 2 types of asthma. Half of the children who develop asthma in childhood outgrow their symptoms when they reach the age of 14-15 y. However, they may develop symptoms in later life when exposed to heavy trigger factors.

Your message for an asthmatic?

Asthma is a controllable disease and you can lead a trouble-free life with 2 Asthma treatment strategies. 


Intrinsic (non-atopic) asthma and extrinsic (atopic) asthma)

There is no clinical or serological evidence of IgE-mediated allergy to common environmental stimuli in intrinsic asthma. When compared to controls, bronchial biopsies from such patients demonstrate increased expression of Th2-type cytokines, CC chemokines, and I/C, similar to extrinsic asthma. These data show that in this key clinically different type of the disease, there may be local IgE production directed against unknown antigens, presumably of viral origin or even autoantigens. Consult with Dr. Sheetu Singh, Asthma Specialist Doctor in Jaipur to know more about it.


Best strategy to Treat Asthma

There are 4 components of asthma –

  1. Develop a patient-doctor partnership
  2. Identify risk factors and reduce exposure
  3. Assess, treat and monitor disease
  4. Manage exacerbations

The goal of management – improve control & reduce risk – NAEPP guidelines 2007

Recurrent exacerbations and the requirement for emergency room or hospital care can be avoided.

  1. Reduced lung growth in children and loss of lung function in adults can be avoided.
  2. Pharmacotherapy optimization with few or no side effects.

What is the best strategy to treat asthma?

Best strategy to treat asthma inhaled corticosteroids such as beclometasone are the drugs of choice for the long-term treatment of patients with persistent asthma. Although there is no discernible difference in efficacy among inhaled corticosteroids, beclometasone is the one with which we have the most expertise. Ciclesonide (Alvesco, Nycomed then Takeda), another inhaled corticosteroid, has been tested in three double-blind trials versus budesonide and six trials versus fluticasone but none versus beclometasone. These tests revealed the “non-inferiority” of ciclesonide, especially in terms of a surrogate endpoint: the difference in compelled expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) after 12 or 24 weeks of treatment (primary endpoint). 

Which inhaled steroid do you prefer, and why?

However, the doses of ciclesonide used in these trials were higher than the standard doses while doses of the comparator corticosteroids were lower than the standard doses, thus favoring ciclesonide. Local negative effects of inhaled corticosteroids include oral candidiasis, sore throat, and hoarseness.  Best strategy to treat asthma a routine review guided by a Cochrane group recommends that ciclesonide does not have a better adverse effect profile than other inhaled corticosteroids used at equivalent doses. Corticosteroid inhalation can also show systemic absorption. The practical benefit of once-daily dosing with ciclesonide appears minor. In practice, ciclesonide is neither more useful than the inhaled corticosteroids with which it has been compared nor does it have fewer negative effects. It is better to continue to use beclometasone, a medicine with which there is more experience.

What is an optimal dose for starting ICS

  • Treatment naïve patient – step 2
  • Already on treatment – step 3

Daily v/s intermittent dosing of ICS, which is better?

Daily ICS was only periodic ICS in several indicators of lung function, airway inflammation, asthma control, and reliever use. Both treatments seemed safe, but a fair growth suppression was associated with daily, compared to intermittent, inhaled budesonide and beclomethasone. The clinician should carefully consider the possible benefits and injury of each therapy option, taking into account the unknown long-term (> one year) effect of intermittent treatment on lung growth and lung function decline.

What are the advantages of adding LABA to ICS?

Bronchodilator action of LABA provides immediate relief, and ICS sustained relief improves control, reduces symptoms, Best strategy to treat asthma daytime as well as nocturnal, improves lung functions, reduces the risk of exacerbations, hospitalization we use formoterol + budesonide it acts as a controller as well as reliever medicine, also used in exercise-induced asthma

Can LABA monotherapy be used?

LABA should not be used as monotherapy because they are only bronchodilators with no anti-inflammatory effects. Monotherapy is associated with an increased risk of exacerbation and mortality. When used as add they are superior to LTRA and theo. They reduce symptoms, improve control, and use of SABA, and reduce exacerbations and nocturnal symptoms. Only a fixed-dose combination with ICS is to be used (which improves adherence and reduces the risk of monotherapy).

What is the role of LTRA in asthma as monotherapy, as add on

LTRA has a mild bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects. They may be used as monotherapy in mild asthma and aspirin-sensitive asthma. However, they are inferior to ICS and cannot replace ICS as monotherapy.

As added on they may reduce the dose of ICS needed to achieve control and improve control. However, they are inferior to LABA.

What is the role of theophylline as monotherapy, as an add-on?

Data on monotherapy are lacking. An add it improves control when control is lacking with ICS alone. However, it is inferior to LABA. In some patients on ICS + THEO, withdrawal of theo leads to deterioration of control. Usage of lower dosage has a full anti-inflammatory effect, with fewer adverse effects and blood level monitoring is not required.

Is doxycycline better than dyphylline?

It is a debatable issue. Various clinical trials have been done some supporting and others not supporting. However, meta-analysis has so far not found the superiority of doxo over deri in terms of safety and efficacy profile.

What are the benefits of using LAMA in the management of asthma?

Newer ATS/ERS guidelines published in April 2014 suggest the addition of LAMA to ICS and LABA 1. Improve FEV1 2. Reduce the use of SABA 3. Reduce the risk of exacerbation. No studies on children, so not to be used on children.

Consult with the Asthma Specialist Doctor in Jaipur, Dr. Sheetu Singh to know more information about it.


Many cells and cellular factors play a part in this chronic inflammatory condition of the airway. Chronic inflammation is associated with airway hyperresponsiveness which is responsible for chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing, particularly at night or in the early morning. What is asthma, These article are associated with widespread but variable airway obstruction within the lung that is often reversible either spontaneously or with treatment.

Symptomatic asthma – PFT, Asymptomatic – provocation challenge test Symptoms: episodic breathlessness, chest tightness, wheezing, cough – incited with allergen exposure, seasonal variation. There is a family history of asthma and allergy. History of variability in symptoms. Physical examination – wheezing may be present, silent chest in severe asthma, 

Lung Functions – FEV1, FVC, PEFR

PEFR – 1. Confirm diagnosis of asthma (>20% or >60l/min improvement post-bronchodilator or diurnal) 2. For monitoring and control.

Methacholine challenge test/ histamine challenge test/ mannitol/exercise challenge test (sensitive test – negative test rules out asthma, false-positive – allergic rhinitis, CF, bronchiectasis, COPD)

  • Sputum eosinophilia, Feno
  • Total Ig E – not diagnostic of atopy
  • SPT – low cost and high sensitivity through false positive is high
  • Rule out DD –
  • LVF
  • COPD

How do u assess the severity

Partly controlled
Daytime symptoms<2 /week3 OR MORE
Limitation of activityNone
Nocturnal awakeningNone
Need for reliever<2 /week

Assessment of future risk –

  1. Poor control of symptoms
  2. Frequent exacerbations
  3. ICU admissions
  4. Low FEV1
  5. Cigarette smoke exposure
  6. High dose medications

Old classification of patients – intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, severe persistent

It is not only the severity of symptoms but its responsiveness to treatment.

What is an asthma attack?

Many patients have stable disease and they are relatively free of symptoms. But whenever they come across trigger factors they develop an increase in their symptoms.

Asthma attack comprises the episode of progressive increase in breathlessness, cough, chest tightness, and wheezing. Treatment comprises repeated doses of rapid-acting bronchodilators, systemic steroids, and oxygen if required. Milder exacerbations can be treated in community settings

What causes these symptoms?

Asthma is an inflammatory disease with the involvement of airway cells (like mast cells, eosinophils, t lymphocytes, and dendritic cells) and structural cells (airway epithelial, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells). Chemokines, cysteinyl leukotrienes, cytokines, histamine, and NO are mediators that act on these cells.

Airway narrowing is caused due to – smooth muscle contraction, airway edema, mucus hypersecretion, airway remodeling.

What signs tells a person that asthma is worsening ?

  1. Breathlessness
  2. Talks in 
  3. Alertness
  4. Wheeze
  5. Respiratory rate
  6. Accessory muscles of respiration
  7. Pulse
  8. Pulsus paradoxus
  9. PEFR
  10. SpO2
  11. PaO2
  12. PaCO2

Dr. Sheetu Singh is the best Asthma Specialist Doctor in Jaipur.


Industrialization has led to many developmental changes around us, but it has induced major environmental changes in our surroundings too. Such massive change in Earth’s environment has triggered many diseases. Impact of climate change on asthma patients one such class of diseases is a respiratory disease. The rapid increase in pollution in the last century has tremendously escalated lung disorders. Lungs are the site of exchange of gases, wherein fresh oxygen from the environment is delivered into the body and carbon dioxide is collected and exhaled out of the body. Due to an increase in the pollutants in the surroundings, not only oxygen but other poisonous gases and chemicals, when gain entry into the respiratory tract, can cause disease.

The relationship between environmental factors and asthma isn’t new. Various anthropogenic factors have contributed to a manifold increase in the cases of Asthma over the last few decades. An increase in air pollutants and allergens in the atmosphere is contemporaneously leading to asthma prevalence lately. Several factors might contribute to asthma exacerbations, that include pollen allergies, global warming, increased vehicle emissions, and air pollution. Climate change can increase many types of breathing problems.

Effect of altered climate on increased pollen period

The release of pollen grains into the air is a necessary event for wind-pollinated flowers, and seasonal allergies were considered moderately regulated. But global warming has increased carbon dioxide levels significantly which in turn has also risen Earth’s average temperature. This change has disrupted the occurrence and duration of pollen season. In response to high temperature and high CO2 levels, plants photosynthesize more and produce more pollens. These pollens remain in the air for quite some time. Pollen when gaining entry into the respiratory tract of humans, act as allergens. Some people are more sensitive than others, and thus start producing allergic symptoms. Prolonged pollen allergy and hypersensitivity can also induce diseases like asthma due to airway inflammation.

Dust and Asthma: 

Asthma once occurs, has a variety of triggers, dust being one of them. Dust particles can cause inflammation in the airway. This is accompanied by excessive secretion of mucus which then creates difficulty in breathing. Smaller dust particles can irritate the lungs and can worsen breathing difficulties. Also, dust can’t just be an asthma trigger, it can cause asthma in young children too. Prolonged exposure to smaller dust particles can cause this disease in children at a very tender age. This asthma causing and trigger factor can simply be avoided by taking precautions if taken care of.

Air pollution and Asthma: 

Particulate matter also goes by the name “particle pollution” is a mixture of extremely small particles with tiny droplets, which include chemicals, dust or soil particles, acids, etc. The particulate matter might vary in size, the smallest particles can reach up to the alveoli, directly affecting the exchange of gases inside the lungs. This environmental factor has the utmost impact on respiratory health. These substances aggravate respiratory issues, such as asthma, by blocking the airways of the respiratory tract due to increased debris and mucus. These substances are increased in the environment due to natural or anthropogenic causes. Urbanization and industrialization affect the concentration of such substances in the surroundings.

How asthmatic people take precautions

As the environmental conditions are constantly deteriorating, it is mandatory to know the triggers of your asthma conditions and impact of climate change on asthma patients. There is no precise test for the diagnosis of asthma. It is symptomatically diagnosed and is treated based on the symptoms stated. A complete cure for asthma is however not available. Prevention is the best help for asthma patients. Also, the above-mentioned causes and trigger points can be checked. Short-term relief can be provided with the help of inhalers and nebulizers. Keeping an Asthma action plan handy is a must too. If your asthma symptoms uncontrollable and trigger often in most of the day then visit top pulmonologist in Jaipur Dr Sheetu Singh.


Bronchitis and covid 19 both are respiratory diseases and have somewhat similar symptoms. Therefore, it is difficult to differentiate if you have coronavirus or Bronchitis. So how do you know between Bronchitis and COVID-19 Differentiation? Read till last and get full details. 

The issue begins when the airways in the lungs (known as the bronchial pipes) become infected or swollen. It makes it difficult for air to move in and out of the tubes. But, you need not worry because of Bronchitis, as it is completely treatable if the correct diagnosis is done. 

Some of the common causes of bronchitis are; bacteria, viruses, irritants, and smoking.

There are two types of bronchitis –

  1. Acute bronchitis (normally lasts for a few weeks) –
  2. Chronic Bronchitis –

1 – Acute bronchitis

Some of the symptoms include:-

  1. Cough 
  2. Fever, 
  3. Sore throat 
  4. and wheezing, etc.

2 – Chronic Bronchitis- 

Chronic Bronchitis is slightly more severe than acute bronchitis. It is suggestive of other lung concerns, such as COPD. And the main symptoms are cough and breathing problems (that last for months or even years). 

One important thing to remember is that bronchitis is curable with the right diagnosis and treatment.


Covid 19 is a respiratory infection that affects the nose, throat, airways, or lungs. 

COVID-19 is very contagious and spreads from person to person.

How does it spread? 

  • The coronavirus can travel through the air in respiratory droplets from a sneeze or cough and then into the lungs. 
  • The virus can survive on surfaces, such as phones, door handles, or countertops. 
  • If you touch something that has the virus on it, it can pass from your hands to your mouth, nose, or eyes.
  • It can also spread through direct contact (such as by shaking hands)

The disease can take a more dangerous form in aged people and patients with high blood pressure, heart problems, and diabetes. Apart from this, the virus is more easily affected by people already suffering from any disease or people who have low immunity.

Bronchitis v/s COVID-19 | COVID-19 and Bronchitis Differentiation

Anything that causes inflammation of the bronchi (tubes that carry air from the trachea to the lungs). Bronchitis starts with a common cold and is caused by the same virus that causes flu. And on the other hand, Covid is caused by the virus Sars Cov 2. Only a professional doctor can tell you that you have covid or bronchitis. Do not use any medicine and do anything without seeking a doctor’s advice. 

Causes symptoms and treatment of covid and bronchitis

  1. Fever/chills
  2. Nausea
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Smell lose
  5. Congestion
  6. Headache
  7. Ache and pain
  1. Tiredness
  2. Coughing (with mucus)
  3. Runny nose
  4. Low-grade fever
  5. Sore throat
  6. Chest discomfort
  7. Block nose and sinuses.
  • Precaution from bronchitis
  1. Do not come in contact with anyone who has cold or acute bronchitis as there is a risk of infection. 
  2. Bronchitis is caused by a virus or bacteria therefore, if someone sneezes or coughs, the disease can spread to others.
  3. Cigarette smoke is harmful to our health so do not smoke cigarettes or tobacco. And If someone you know is smoking cigarettes then stay away from them.
  4. Before going out, wear a mask or cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, especially if you are in contact with pollution, paint, or cleaning products.
  5. Keep an air moistening device near you.
  6. At times, you may also need to have a chest X-ray, sputum, or lung tests to rule out bronchitis. 

According to Asthma Specialist Dr. Sheetu Singh, drinking water dilutes the mucus present in the lungs. Moreover, Mullein tea also provides relief in this condition. 

Apart from that, do regular exercise to keep your lungs healthy. 

For some patients, doctors also recommend inhalers and oxygen therapy.

Dr Sheetu Singh is a well-experienced asthma specialist. And she ensures that the best treatment is given to her patients. You can visit her if you are facing any of the symptoms, and get your treatment done.


Vaccines remain highly effective in preventing serious illness and hospitalization or death due to COVID-19. The recently launched booster dose is an additional dose of vaccine to offer further protection. Lungs specialist Dr. Sheetu Singh is telling, can Booster Dose help to protect against XE Variant? But before that, let’s find out when we can get a Booster dose.

When can we get Booster Dose?

  • You can have a booster dose for at least nine months after the second dose. (However, it also depends on what type of vaccine you got initially)
  • If someone caught covid-19, then it will be a minimum of 90 days after the patient’s recovery.

Can Booster Dose Help To Protect Against XE Variant- Dr. Sheetu Singh

After the XE variant, there is confusion among the public, and most probably the people; who are already suffering from a serious disease. Hence, the Booster dose, which is referred to as a precautionary dose, is beneficial for people who have a weak immune system. And also for the people who have severe diseases like Asthma, Diabetes, HIV, or cancer.

Benefits of Booster Dose for Asthma Patients

Even though there is no proof of which vaccine is beneficial for Asthma patients against the XE Variant. But a booster dose will surely decrease the chance of getting a severe coronavirus or its variant. The chances of getting severe complications from vaccines are very infrequent. However, it also depends on factors like age and how you controlled your Asthma? Or whether you have any other illness.

A booster dose is required because people are complaining that after taking two doses, the effect of the vaccine is decreasing. And apart from that, after COVID XE Variant, people fear that this will cause severe illness.

How to book a booster shot?

Booster shots are for those who have already taken two doses of the COVID vaccine. Eligible people will get the message from Covin’s website. Afterward, you have to type your registered mobile number, and you’ll get the OTP, and it will show if you completed your nine months or not.


COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and life-saving. However, they do not ensure total protection for all vaccinated people. And we are not yet aware of how effective they are in preventing the transmission of the virus between people. For this reason, in addition to the choice to get vaccinated, you must continue to take other measures to combat the pandemic.

WHO also approves all anti-COVID-19 vaccines. And included in the list for emergency use have undergone clinical studies to test their quality, safety, and efficiency.

Also Visit: Are minors more at risk of Covid-19 than adults?


  • As children are going to school, vaccines will help to decrease the chances of spreading the virus.
  • It helps in preventing getting COVID-19 easily.
  • They can continue their education without getting interrupted.

If you are facing any COVID-19 symptoms, and are facing any respiratory issues, you can contact Dr. Sheetu Singh, a Lung specialist in Jaipur.


It’s normal to be out of breath after intense physical activity. But, when you face this problem even after simple exercise, then you might need a doctor’s consultation. But you can also do a self-check of your breathing. In this article, we will tell you about the different types of breathing problems and what are the causes and symptoms of breathing problems. Types of Breathing Problems, Causes and Symptoms – Dr. Sheetu Singh

  • Hyperpnoea

In Hyperpnoea, you take your breathing deeper, And sometimes faster (i.e. during exercise). This cause does not need medical attention until and unless it’s caused without any physical activity. Hyperpnoea is the response from your body to the brain to adjust your breathing.

  • Dyspnea

Dyspnea is also known as Shortness of Breath. In this situation, when you can’t get enough air to breathe or you experience tightness in your chest. Tough exercise, high temperature, and obesity are the primary cause of Dyspnea.

And sometimes, Dyspnea starts because of low blood pressure, heart attack, carbon monoxide poisoning, or asthma attack.

  • Bradypnea

In this condition, when you breathe at a slow rate compared to your normal breathing speed. Bradypnea can cause:-

  1. Dizziness
  2. Tiredness
  3. Lightheadedness
  • Kussmaul Breathing

The situation is when the body produces too much acid. Some of the Kussmaul Breathing are:

  1. Organ Failure
  2. Overuse of Alcohol
  3. Sepsis

Cause and Symptoms of Breathing Problems

There is several cause of breathing problems :-

  • Health-Related

  1. Anemia
  2. Asthma
  3. Lung cancer
  4. Pneumonia
  5. Croup
  6. COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),
  7. COVID-19
  8. And any other heart and lung diseases.
  9. Bronchitis
  • Medical emergencies

  1. Drowning
  2. Heart attack
  3. Injury to neck, lungs
  4. Any type of allergy reaction
  5. Blood clotting in lungs
  • Symptoms

Now talk about the symptoms of the Breathing problems

  1. Suddenly trouble with breathing
  2. Not able to breathe
  3. Pain/discomfort in the chest
  4. Not able to do even day to day activities
  5. Breath rapidly
  6. Dizziness or anxious
  7. Difficulty in speaking
  8. Cough Blood
  9. Sweating
  10. Whistling sound while breathing

The most important thing you should do while someone is facing any breath-related issue is to immediately dial the medical emergency number. And while waiting for the ambulance:-

  • Check the pulse of the patient
  • Loosen their clothes
  • Help the person in using an inhaler or home oxygen (if prescribed by the doctor)

And if you are facing breathing problems, then try to calm down while waiting for the ambulance. Sit straight and take someone’s help if possible.


Haemophilus influenza is a Gram-negative, Plumorphic coccobacillus, which causes a variety of infections and some serious infections, including meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, epiglottis, conjunctivitis, cellulitis, or arthritis. The Types and Evaluation of Influenza species represents the main pathogen of this genus. Children and the elderly are the most susceptible to serious infections caused by these microorganisms. The former suffered mostly from meningitis and later from pneumonia.

Some strains are Haemophilus influenza they are bound and others are not. Capsules are typeable according to the type of carbohydrate in the capsule. The types described by A, B, C, D, E, and F are known as different types.

Types and Evaluation of Influenza

At the laboratory level, these can be isolated with polysaccharides using antisera aggregating antibodies.

Capsulated strains are pathogenic. Type B These are the most invasive and frequently isolated in the infectious process. Non-capsulated is considered habitual microbiota and although they may be contagious, they are not usually invasive and do not represent a greater risk.

They are difficult to distinguish at the laboratory level, as they require highly enriched media for optimal development, such as chocolate agar or lethal agar.

This is why these microorganisms fall into the group of bacteria that claim to be from a nutritional point of view, although some authors prefer to call them annoying microorganisms.

  • Disease (pathogenesis)

These are transmitted by microbial secretions, mainly respiratory problems (saliva and mucus) excreted by sick people or carriers of bacteria.

If the patient sneezes or coughs, the bacteria are excreted in the excreta. Bacteria are spread in the environment and are inhaled by sensitive individuals.

Haemophilus influenza is a pyogenic microorganism that causes it to produce purulent secretions.

Its main pathologies are meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, epiglottitis, conjunctivitis, and otitis, among others. Here are given different types of disease –

  1. Septicemia  – When bacteria enter the bloodstream it is called bacteremia and is an important step in the spread of microorganisms to other organs or tissues. When the number of microorganisms in the blood multiplies, it is called septicemia, a condition that compromises the patient’s general condition.
  2. Meningitis – Meningitis is a serious disease that causes neck, headaches, nausea, or changes in behavior and some cases leads to death. This infection is common in children.
  3. PneumoniaA previous respiratory tract infection, such as bronchitis or acute fibrillar tracheobronchitis, can cause this serious complication. The symptoms include a high fever, dyspnea, or productive cough with cauliflower chin. It can coexist with bacteremia. This involvement is more common in older adults.
  4. Conjunctivitis – Conjunctivitis presents redness, burning, swelling of the eyelids, presence of purulent discharge, or sensitivity to light (photophobia).
  • Diagnosis

Culture is the best way to diagnose. Samples will depend on the infectious process.

If meningoencephalitis is suspected, a sample of cerebrospinal fluid should be taken by a lumbar puncture for cytochemical study and culture. In case of septicemia, blood samples will be taken to perform multiple blood cultures.

If the process is conjunctivitis, the secretion of this mucus will be taken. In the case of pneumonia, a specimen of sputum or bronchial lavage is cultured.

Detection can also be done using manual biochemical tests or by automated systems such as VTech2.

  • Treatment

Types and Evaluation of Influenza Haemophilus  It can be treated with beta-lactam like ampicillin, ampicillin/sulbactam, amoxicillin / clavulanic acid, piperacillin/tazobactam. Third-generation cephalosporins, such as ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, and cefoperazone, are often used in severe infections.

It is important to note that ampicillin is no longer used because most isolated strains are currently resistant to this antibiotic, due to the production of beta-lactamase.

Macrolides and quinolones can be used.

However, the most advisable issue is to administer and treat antibiotics according to the sensitivity of the report.

  • Resistance

Type Haemophilus influenza E B after the introduction of the vaccine against it, this microbial cause has significantly reduced the incidence of meningitis.

So, capsular antigen type B (polydipsia-ribitol-phosphate) H. Influenza is included in the pentavalent vaccine which also fights against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and hepatitis B.

The vaccine is given in 3 or 4 doses. The 4-dose schedule is as follows:

The first dose is started at 2 months of age. Two more doses are then given every two months (at ages 4 and 6 months). Finally, the fourth dose is placed 6 or 9 months after the third. The last dose represents a boost.


Inhalers are the most useful way for people with asthma and other lung diseases to access life-saving drugs. If you suffer from asthma or you care for someone who has asthma, here’s all you need to know about inhalers, including how to use them correctly and Advantages and Disadvantages of inhaler. When nebulizers and inhalers were first introduced to the world in the 1930s and 1950s, this was exactly what people with lung diseases, like asthma, had been searching for centuries. It allowed them to take the medicine they needed to control and treat their disease more easily.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inhaler

Inhalers for asthma are small, mobile devices that administer medication to the lungs. As a result, inhalers quickly became the top choice for respiratory patients. To assist control asthma symptoms, a range of asthma inhalers are available. You can receive the medication you need to prevent or treat asthma attacks if you find the right one and use it correctly.

Inhaler technique | How to Use Inhaler

Inhalers are devices to deliver medications for the treatment of obstructive airway disease including Asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There are different types of inhalation devices primarily including dry powder inhalers (DPI) and metered-dose inhalers (MDI). It is essential to take the inhaler properly, if not taken properly the medication would not reach the proper site.

Advantages of inhaler

The dose of medication in the inhaler is almost one-tenth of the dose taken in oral form. The response to medication is quick. Since oral absorption is minimal, side effects are not significant for the inhaler. Side effects are thus minimal, the response is quick and better.

Disadvantages of inhaler 

There is some oral deposition that leads to oral ulcers, candidiasis, and dysphonia. However, all these side effects can be avoided if the mouth is rinsed thoroughly after inhalation.

Advantages of a spacer

The spacer is a device to be placed between the mouth and the MDI. The extra medicine deposits in the spacer, thereby oral deposition is very less. Thus, the above-mentioned side-effects are also very few.

How to take a DPI?

  1. First, put the capsule in the device
  2. Rotate the device till the capsule breaks
  3. Blow out completely
  4. Take the mouthpiece in the mouth and seal it with lips
  5. Fast and deep breath in
  6. Hold for 10 seconds
  7. Blow out completely
  8. Rinse mouth

How to take MDI with a spacer?

  1. Shake inhaler
  2. Fix it in the spacer
  3. Blow out completely
  4. Take the mouthpiece in the mouth and seal it with lips
  5. Slow and deep breath in
  6. Hold for 10 seconds
  7. Blow out completely
  8. Rinse mouth

Myths and facts about inhaler

  • It is habit-forming – FALSE

Truth – It is a requirement not addicting

  • It has many side effects – FALSE

Truth – It causes lesser side effects than oral medicines

Air pollution, Asthma, Lungs Disease, lungs infection.
Air pollution

In this modern era, there is rapid progress, but pollution is also increasing dangerously. Now lung diseases are expanding rapidly due to pollution. In some states of India, pollution has increased so much that the air is not even suitable for breathing. Due to these reasons, lung patients are increasing and the most common disease among them is asthma. Asthma patients cannot depend only on medicine. Asthma can be controlled by making some lifestyle changes, but if you need an asthma specialist doctor, visit Dr. Sheetu Singh.



Children’s lives are much more affected due to the pandemic. From schooling to playing, the complete daily routine of children is not working out. Are minors more at risk of Covid-19 than adults? This question is in everyone’s mind, every parent is worried about their children. As compared to adults, children wear less risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition to it, after a long period, the mild effects have been recognized in children. They could experience milder symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, and low-grade. Only a few children can have severe complications, but they are less common. Children with some health conditions may only face some severe illness.  

The complication that can occur in children is a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), which can lead to major health issues for a long time. Symptoms of MIS-C can include:

● fever for more than a couple of days

● rash

● bloodshot eyes

● stomachache

● vomiting and/or diarrhea

● neck pain

● red, cracked lips

● swollen hands and/or feet

● unusual sleepiness or weakness

How are newborns affected by COVID-19?

COVID-19 can be transferred to newborns during labor or by touching with sick caretakers after delivery. When caring for your baby during your clinic stay after labor, wear a face mask and keep your hands hygienic if you have COVID-19.

How to treat Children from COVID-19 

Dr. Sheetu Singh is one of the top Asthma Specialist in Jaipur. Along with being the best doctor, she is a well-experienced specialist. Parents are always concerned about their children. The most constant question they raise is Are minors more at risk of Covid-19 than adults? Dr. Sheetu Singh is humble to her patients. She ensures the best treatment for everyone. If your child is suffering from any symptoms of Covid-19, you can visit Dr. Sheetu Singh


Medical Thoracoscopy is used to observe the pleura and take biopsies from abnormal areas. Sometimes it is used to break adhesions and treat septated pleural effusions. Medical Thoracoscopy performed by Best Thoracoscopy Expert Doctor in India

Assessment is done prior to Medical Thoracoscopy

A diagnostic pleural tap is always done prior to the procedure. An exudative fluid indicates the need for thoracoscopy. A CT scan is necessary before a better CT scan procedure for contrast. This helps in assessing the pleura and the lung parenchyma beneath the fluid. A blood test that includes complete blood count, serum creatinine level, bleeding profile, and viral markers are also performed. COVID-19 PCR should be done prior to the procedure, depending on the prevalence of the infection in the area. Blood thinners need to be, stopped five days prior to the test.

Things to remember on the day of the procedure

Fasting is recommended for 6 hours for solid food and 4 hours for clear liquids. The routine medications should be continued for blood pressure. Diabetic patients should avoid their Insulin and hypoglycemic medicines on the day of the test.


The procedure is conducted through a nick in the chest wall. You may get some intravenous (IV) injections prior to and during the sedation method. After local anesthesia at the site of nick, the scope is inserted. The pleura is observed and biopsies are taken. In the case of adhesions, they are broken with adhesiolysis forceps and the scope. After the scope is removed, a chest tube is left in place to drain the fluid. The procedure usually takes 30-40 minutes.

Precautions after the procedure

The patient controls to avoid any oral liquids or solids for another 2 hours after the procedure. A light meal is suggested after 2 hours. The chest tube would remain in the chest till the fluid stops coming, usually a couple of days (in case of malignant effusions, the duration may be longer). The common after-effects of the procedure are – pain at the site, soakage of dressing with fluid, sleepiness, and vomiting. These can be managed with symptomatic medicines. Usually, a patient is kept admitted for a day or two post-procedure. In certain cases, the patient may be sent home after the procedure. 


Medical thoracoscopy is a safe procedure and does not have any long-term complications. Once the chest tube is removed and the diagnosis is made, optimal treatment will be started. The microbiology and pathology reports come in 3-5 days’ periods. If mycobacterial cultures are applied they usually take 4 weeks. Medical thoracoscopy is a safe procedure with a minimal complication rate.

More More Information & Details Visit Immediately to the Dr Sheetu Singh Top Pulmonologist in India


EndoBronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) Bronchoscopy – EBUS bronchoscopy is used to locate mediastinal lymph nodes or masses and take samples from them. Diseases that are not present in the lumen and not approachable by routine bronchoscopy are accessed with EBUS bronchoscopy, and it is done by an EBUS Bronchoscopy specialist in Jaipur.

Assessment is done prior to Endo Bronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) Bronchoscopy

EBUS Bronchoscopy specialist in Jaipur a CT scan is preferable to a contrast CT scan is necessary before the procedure. This helps in locating the lymph nodes before the procedure. A blood test which includes complete blood count, serum creatinine level, bleeding profile, and viral markers are also done. COVID-19 PCR should be done before the procedure depending on the prevalence of the infection in the area. Blood thinners need to be stopped 5 days prior to the test.

Things to remember on the day of the procedure

Fasting of 6 hours for solid food and 4 hours for clear liquids is recommended. The routine medications should be continued for blood pressure. Diabetic patients should avoid their Insulin and hypoglycemic medicines on the day of the test.


Dr. Sheetu Singh is an EBUS Bronchoscopy specialist, she performed all the EBUS procedures in Jaipur. The procedure is performed through the mouth. In cases where there is limited mouth opening, a trial may be done through the nose. You may get some intravenous (IV) injections prior to the procedure. After a local spray, the scope is inserted through the mouth. Some local anesthesia is instilled at the vocal cords, after this, the vocal cords are crossed. Inside the windpipe, the lymph nodes are localized with the help of ultrasound. Once localized they are sized. The needle is then inserted and the material is sucked out under ultrasound guidance. The procedure usually takes 30-40 minutes.


Precautions after the procedure

The patient has to avoid any oral liquids or solids for another 2 hours after the procedure. A light meal is recommended after 2 hours. The common after-effects of the procedure are – pain in the throat, fever, coughing out of slight blood, sleepiness, and vomiting. These can be managed with symptomatic medicines. After observation for 2 hours, the patient can go home after judging the clinical condition. In cases where a patient is requiring oxygen, he/she may need to be admitted to the hospital for the same. After the procedure, if the patient has the following symptoms they should contact the doctor immediately – coughing out large amounts of blood, difficulty in breathing, and drop in oxygen saturation to <88%.


EBUS bronchoscopy does not have any long-term complications. The microbiology and pathology reports come in 3-5 days periods. If mycobacterial cultures are applied they usually take 4 weeks. EBUS bronchoscopy is a safe procedure with a minimal complication rate.

For More Information & Details about EndoBronchial Ultrasound EBUS Bronchoscopy Visit Direct to the Dr. Sheetu Singh Chest Specialist 


Asthma Specialist Doctor in India: Asthma is a disease in which your lung airways narrow and swell. It creates excess mucus, that’s will be causing breathing difficulty and trigger coughing, a whistling sound when you exhale, and shortness of breath. For a few people, asthma is a minor issue. For others, it can be a critical issue that conflicts with everyday activities and should build a life-threatening asthma attack. During an asthma strike, the airways will swell, the tissues around them will stiffen, and it becomes dense for air to shift in and out of the lungs. Asthma is not an infection, but it is caused, by an overreaction of the human immune system. Only some people have sensitive immune systems which trigger asthma.

Asthma is a long-term condition affecting the Lungs. It involves infection and reduction inside the lungs, which reduces air supply. There are many reasons to cause asthma, like Animal hair or dander, Dust, Changes in the weather, Mold, Pollen, Respiratory infections, Tobacco smoking. Asthma can never be completely fixed, but its signs can be managed and controlled. Because asthma continually expands over time, you must handle it with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and take your treatment as required.

Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma symptoms fluctuate from person to person. You will have infrequent asthma attacks and have symptoms only several times like when you did, exercising, running, polluted areas, dust.

Symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Wheezing when exhaling
  • Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath
  • Excessive Coughing or Wheezing

Asthma in Childhood

Asthma is the most common disease in children. It can occur at any age but, it is slightly more common in children than adults. Children aged 5–14 years were presumably to suffer from asthma.

Some Common Symptoms in Childhood Asthma Include – Respiratory infections and colds, cigarette smoke, including secondhand cigarette smoke, allergens, air pollutants, exposure to cold air, sudden changes in temperature, excitement, stress, exercise.

How to Diagnosis Asthma

If you think that you have asthma, visit your doctor. They will refer you to a lung disease expert, and they are called pulmonologists or a chest specialist. 

  • Breathing tests (Spirometry)
  • Health history
  • Physical exam
  • Chest X-ray
  • CT
  • Allergy tests

Asthma Treatment

Many asthma treatments can ease your symptoms and, treatments for asthma come into three main categories,

  1. breathing exercises
  2. quick-acting treatments
  3. long-term asthma control medications

Asthma can be managed by following some daily habits and daily routines. You can take steps every day to help yourself and reduce your risk for asthma attacks.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Quitting smoking
  • Managing stress
  • Eating a healthier diet
  • Exercising regularly

When to see an Asthma Specialist Doctor

If you can feel symptoms of asthma such as weakness and can not perform daily activities, have wheezing, or a cough that does not go away, then visit your doctor immediately. If you can’t find a doctor for asthma, then you can come to Dr Sheetu Singh. She is one of the best lungs specialists and pulmonologists in India.


Thermoplasty Specialist Doctor in Jaipur:- Asthma affects the airways to swell and become infected. The airways become tinier that making it more difficult for you to breathe. The walls of large airways have a layer of smooth tissue. This part will be thicker in people with severe asthma. During an asthma attack, the layer of tissue can constrict and narrow the airways. Bronchial thermoplasty is an infiltration asthma method in which a tube called a bronchoscope is inserted into a person’s mouth or nose and connected through the airways to the lungs. Once the pipe dilates, that widens the airway, allowing more air to flow into the lungs. Bronchial thermoplasty in the treatment of, asthma and gives relief to the patient to a great extent. Asthma is never completely cured, but this treatment controls asthma. 

Bronchial Thermoplasty Specialist : Risk, Treatment, Side Effects

Bronchial thermoplasty is performed in three sessions, each surgery covering one-third of the lungs at a time. Bronchial thermoplasty is a modern yet hopeful treatment for severe asthma whose benefit for long-term asthma control exceeds the short-term danger of degradation and hospitalization in the days following the BT procedure. 

Bronchial Thermoplasty is performed through the Faculty of Bronchoscopy Endoscopy and takes about an hour to finish. The minimally invasive method like many other flexible endoscopy procedures is performed under mild sedation. Post-procedure, patients typically are observed and monitored for about 2-4 hours. You will go to a hospital to get the treatment of bronchial thermoplasty. It is presented in three separate sessions, each about three weeks. Each surgery takes less than an hour, and another part of your lungs gets treated each one time. Only professionals can do this treatment. When these surgeries are performed there is a risk of lung damage, so only experienced doctors can do it. Some side effects can also come from this surgery, let’s know the side effects of Thermoplasty.

Side Effects of Thermoplasty

The most common side effects of bronchial thermoplasty include:

  1. Coughing
  2. Wheezing
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Pulmonary artery complications
  5. Respiratory infections

Benefits of Bronchial thermoplasty

  1. Decrease regular symptoms of asthma
  2. Decrease the number of sick days 
  3. Decrease the need for steroid medications
  4. Help keep you out of hospital or emergency department.

Bronchial thermoplasty does not relieve asthma. But it’s going to make you feel better and breathe better.

Eligibility of Bronchial Thermoplasty

You will be a good candidate for the BT if:

  1. 18 years of age or older,
  2. Severe Asthma
  3. Symptoms are not well controlled

If you’re considering bronchial thermoplasty, you’ll undergo a radical medical evaluation that has tests like pulmonary function tests (PFTs), as well as an assessment of what proportion asthma controller and rescue medication you’re using. Because inflammatory asthma might not improve with BT, you might even have blood tests to look at your level of inflammation.

Where To Go For Bronchial Thermoplasty

If you have severe asthma symptoms that you cannot control with medicine and an inhaler, you can immediately come to Dr Sheetu Singh.

She is one of the best Asthma Specialist Doctor in India. She has good experience in respiratory system surgery and operation Dr. Sheetu is a thermoplasty specialist doctor in Jaipur.


A biopsy is a procedure conducted to remove tissue or cells from the body for examining under a microscope. A lung biopsy is a test in which a sample of lung tissue is taken to check whether lung disease or cancer is present. Best Biopsy Specialist in Jaipur may also get a lung biopsy to help find why there’s liquid in your lungs and diagnose cancer. Lungs Biopsy is usually done to know the presence of cancer in the lungs. A small sample of lungs is examined under a microscope. You will have many questions on how is it done and how to prepare. A lot depends on which sort of lung biopsy your doctor recommends.  

Best Biopsy What is the Biopsy and the Procedure | Biopsy Specialist in Jaipur | Dr. Sheetu Singh in Jaipur

Lung biopsies are performed using both a closed and open method, with closed methods performed in the skin or trachea. An open biopsy is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room. People can feel some anxiety before a biopsy. However, understanding the nature of the procedure, and the risks and benefits, can help someone feel more comfortable before.

Types and procedure of Biopsy

  • Transbronchial Biopsy – Transbronchial Biopsy is also called a Bronchoscopy. This type of biopsy is done through a fiberoptic bronchoscope, a long thin pipe with a near-focused telescope on the end for viewing through the vital airways of the lung bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is a method of visualizing air routes for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.
  • Needle Biopsy – After giving an anesthetic, The doctor uses the needle is guided the chest wall into a suspicious area with a CT scan or fluoroscopy (X-ray) to obtain a tissue sample. This type of biopsy may also be called a closed (through the skin) biopsy.
  • Open Biopsy – After giving an anesthetic, the doctor cuts the skin on the chest and surgically removes a bit of lung tissue. Relying on the biopsy results, more extensive surgery, such as removing part of the lung, may be performed during the procedure. An open biopsy is a surgical method and requires a hospital stay.

What Happens After Lung Biopsy

A lung biopsy sample will send to a lab, and you’ll get the results within a week. You may have chest pain for the next several days. If you have a wound from the procedure, follow your doctor’s directions to wash it. You’ll usually return to your normal activities but may have to avoid excessive physical activity for some days.

Risks and Complications – Pneumonia may be a risk for all kinds of lung biopsies. Pneumothorax, where air leaks out between the lung and chest cavity, can make it difficult to breathe or cause your lung to collapse with these procedures, but your doctor will watch for this and suck out air as required. Other unusual but severe complexities of surgical lung biopsies may include critical bleeding, wound infection, and blood clots. Fever above 100.4 degrees, chest pain, shortness of breath, redness, swelling from the wound.

Dr Sheetu Singh is one of the best Biopsy Specialists in Jaipur. She is a Pulmonologist and Interstitial Lung Disease Expert in India. If anyone needs a biopsy and thoracoscopy, see Dr Sheetu Singh immediately.


Medicinal thoracoscopy is done increasingly by chest surgeons and has become, after bronchoscopy, the second most significant endoscopic system in respiratory medication. it’s supposed to be one of the main areas of interventional pulmonology and a crucial part of a specialist pleural disease service. Thoracoscopy is often performed for diagnostic also for therapeutic purposes. the most common indication for diagnostic thoracoscopy is pleural effusion. Best Thoracoscopy Expert Doctor in Jaipur and Chest surgeon is Dr. Sheetu Singh. Thoracoscopy in spontaneous pneumothorax may recognize the cause of the pneumothorax. the most usual sign for therapeutic thoracoscopy is pleurodesis to stop recurrence of pleural flow. 

Best Thoracoscopy Expert Doctor in Jaipur, Risks and Procedures

Thoracoscopy is a lung’s internal examination, biopsy, and/or resection/drainage of disease or sections in the cavity, usually with video assistance. Thoracoscopy can be done to get rid of excess liquid that’s around the lung and causing difficulty breathing. This liquid also can be sent to the lab and examined for cancer or infection. If fluid around the lungs is removed but grows up again, medicine is often put into the thoracic cavity with a thoracoscope to keep the fluid from returning. 

Thoracoscopy Treated Small Lung Cancers

Thoracoscopy can sometimes be used to treat small lung cancers by removing just the part of the lung that includes the tumor or the lobe of a lung if the tumor is larger. 

How the Thoracoscopy works

Whether thoracoscopy is executed as a diagnostic or therapeutic method, it is led by routine blood and urine examinations as well as a chest x-ray scan. Once it is confirmed that the method is safe for the patient, the surgery starts with the surgeon making tiny holes in between the ribs. An endoscope, which is a thin tube with a camera attached to it, is inserted through the small holes; the camera sends the images of the inside of the body to a computer screen. The endoscope is precisely guided towards the pleural area so the doctor can conduct an examination, a biopsy, or operation, whichever is necessary. Since only small holes are made, a laparoscopic procedure is more flexible, allowing doctors to reach and obtain biopsies from several different locations rather than just one part of the pleural cavity.

Thoracoscopy Risks and complexities

All surgical procedures, come with some risks, although with thoracoscopy the risks are insignificant. Also, when an endoscopic procedure is performed, the dangers are further decreased. but still, thoracoscopy has some risks such as Allergic reaction to the anesthetic, Organ damage or injury, air leaks out of the lungs, Pain, Excessive bleeding, Respiratory distress, Sore throat, or discomfort, Pneumonia, Collapse of part of a lung. 

Thoracoscopy is a crucial procedure and it has some risks, but in Jaipur, Rajasthan Dr. Sheetu Singh is one of the Best Thoracoscopy Expert Doctors in Jaipur. She is also a top pulmonologist, Interstitial Lung Disease Expert, Bronchoscopy specialist in Jaipur.


Interstitial Lung Disease Expert in India – There are many important organs in the human body, but one of them is the lungs, without water and food, we can survive for a few days or a few hours, but without breathing we can live only a few minutes. Due to any disease of the lungs, there is a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, which also harms other organs, so we need to take care of our lungs. There is one disease that can harm your lungs too much. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is an umbrella term used for a huge group of diseases that cause progressive scarring (fibrosis) in the lungs. The scarring causes inflexibility in the lungs which makes it tough to breathe and obtain oxygen to the bloodstream. Lung damage from ILDs is usually irreversible and gets severer over time.

Interstitial lung diseases are often caused by long-term exposure to hazardous elements, such as asbestos, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Some sorts of autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, can also cause interstitial lung disease. In some cases, however, the causes remain unknown. Smoking can not only cause ILDs but can make the situation much more critical. ILDs from various causes and conditions have different treatments and possibilities. ILD is more common in adults, but can rarely happen in children. 

Symptoms of Interstitial lung disease (ILD)

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Coughing, typically nonproductive
  3. Decreased exercise tolerance
  4. Fatigue
  5. Weight loss

Causes of ILD

Interstitial lung disease seems to occur when an injury to your lungs triggers an abnormal healing response. Ordinarily, your body generates just the proper amount of tissue to repair the damage. But in interstitial lung disease, the repair process goes awry and the tissue around the air sacs (alveoli) becomes scarred and thickened. This makes it harder for oxygen to pass into your bloodstream. 

Diagnosis of ILD

Identifying and defining the explanation for interstitial lung disease is often challenging. a large number of disorders fall under this broad category. additionally, the signs and symptoms of a good range of medical conditions can mimic interstitial lung disease, and doctors must rule these out before making a definitive diagnosis. 

Some of the following tests may be required:-

  1. Laboratory tests – Blood tests 
  2. Imaging tests – Computerized tomography (CT) scan, Echocardiogram
  3. Pulmonary function tests – Spirometry and diffusion capacity, Oximetry 
  4. Lung tissue analysis – Bronchoscopy, Bronchoalveolar lavage, Surgical biopsy

How is ILD treated

Treatment for ILD is meant to preserve the lung’s ability to function and keep the disease from getting worse. Treatment depends on many factors, including the sort of ILD and how severe it is.

  • Medications – Medications can help improve lung function by reducing inflammation and/or fibrosis. Medications to reduce inflammation include steroids and other rheumatologic drugs.
  • Oxygen therapy – Extra oxygen delivered by a tube in the nose can make breathing more easier. This therapy increases the blood’s oxygen levels, in order that every breath is more productive.
  • Pulmonary and exercise therapy: Breathing exercises, practices, and increased physical activity can improve lung fitness.
  • Lung transplant – Some people with severe cases of ILD have lung transplants to help increase their lives.

If someone has this disease, then it is necessary to stop it quickly because it is irreversible. But its damage can be minimized. If you searching Interstitial Lung Disease Expert in India then visit once Dr Sheetu Singh, Asthma and Chest Specialist. 


Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is an umbrella term for a general kind of lung infection that envelops in excess of 100 different sorts of pulmonary conditions influencing oxygen assimilation inside the lungs. For the individuals who experience the ill effects of the disease, it can exhibit indications, for example, weakness, weight loss, dry cough, acute pneumonia, cyanosis (pale blue staining of the skin), and difficulty in breath amid rest or effort. Dr Sheetu Singh is one of the Best ILD Specialist in Jaipur.

Obviously, the outflow of these side effects can be unimaginably offensive for those with this type of never ending lung disease. What’s more, however there are types of treatment accessible, it’s essential to comprehend your disease and how to explore it so as to keep yourself in the most ideal wellbeing.

Causes of ILD

The reasons for ILD vary in view of the type.

Some have a reason we know and see, yet others are less surely knew.

  • A few children are born with ILD, and a few sorts of ILD (e.g., surfactant issues) are acquired. Yet, numerous kids don’t wind up influenced with ILD until some other time in adolescence.
  • For a few kids, ILD will appear after a “trigger” occasion, for example, a cold or viral infection.
  • Some are caused by another sickness, and some are even caused by medications for other medical issues.
  • National and nearby research is in progress to see more about Interstitial Lung Disease, incorporating thinks about with the interest of Boston Children’s clinicians. To take in more, visit our clinical and Research Trials page.

Signs and symptoms of ILD

In Interstitial Lung Disease, the forecast to a greatly depends upon the treatment regimen and in addition causes for the disease’s advancement, yet for the most part you can expect the accompanying development in your wellbeing:

  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure (in some cases)
  • Cyanosis
  • Heart failure (in some cases)
  • Dry, persistent cough
  • Weight loss
  • Acute pneumonia
  • Shortness of breath
  • Abnormal enlargement of the fingernail base

With a reasonable comprehension of what’s to come and a solid handle of your malady, it’s an ideal opportunity to discuss what you can do about it, and how a couple of changes to your way of life and treatment alternatives can bigly affect your common human health. For more details consult Dr. Sheetu Singh 


Bronchoscopy: Risks, Recovery and Procedure – A bronchoscopy is a test that enables your specialist to inspect your aviation routes. Your specialist will string an instrument known as bronchoscope through your mouth or nose and down your neck to reach your lungs. The bronchoscope is made from a material (flexible fiber-optic material) and has a camera and light source on the end. Most bronchoscopes are perfect with color video, which enables your specialist to report their findings.

Why does a doctor order a bronchoscopy?

With the use of bronchoscope, your specialist can see the all part of the structures that make up your respiratory part. These incorporate your trachea, larynx and the smaller aviation routes of your lungs, which incorporate the bronchioles and bronchi.

A Bronchoscopy can be used to diagnose:-

  • A tumor
  • A lung disease
  • An infection
  • A chronic cough

Your specialist may arrange a Bronchoscopy if you are going through abnormal CT scan or X-ray that shows proof of a tumor, a collapsed lung or an infection. Sometimes this test is also used as treatment apparatus. For instance, a Bronchoscopy can enable your specialist to convey drug to your lungs or remove an object that is gotten in your aviation routes, similar to a piece of food. Check out Bronchoscopy: Risks, Recovery and Procedure.

The Procedure

Bronchoscopy is normally performed on an outpatient premise. It is performed with the patient that lying on their back. The patient is quieted with MAC. The doctor will embed the bronchoscope through your nose or mouth and throat, at that point down past the vocal strings to your lungs by windpipe. At the point when the tube goes through your vocal strings you may want to hack or feel discomfort. The feeling is only for some time. Once in a while, the examination is finished with the guide of x-ray apparatus to enable your doctor to find the correct region from which to take a sample. It is rarely happen when patient feeling pain during this method. more information consult Dr Sheetu Singh


Asthma Symptoms, Causes and Treatments: In asthma, the “invaders” are some causes given in the below section. Triggers differ among people. Since asthma is a sort of allergic response, it is in some cases known as reactive airway disease. Every patient with asthma has his or her own one of a distinctive set of causes. Most triggers cause assaults in a few people with asthma and not in others. Common causes of asthma attack involve:-

  • Exposure to wood or tobacco smoke.
  • Inhaling polluted air.
  • Breathing other respiratory irritants like cleaning products or scents (perfumes).
  • Come in Contact to airway aggravations at the workplace.
  • Inhaling in allergy-causing elements (allergens) such as dust, pollen, animal dander or molds.
  • An upper respiratory disease, such as bronchitis, flu, cool, sinusitis.
  • Come in contact to cold, dry weather
  • Emotional stress or excitement
  • Physical workout or exertion
  • Reflux of stomach acid called as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux ailment.
  • Sulfites, an added substance to a few wine and foods
  • Monthly cycle (In a few, not all, ladies, asthma side effects are firmly fixing to the menstrual cycle.)

Risk factors for developing asthma include

  • Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) and other allergies (This is the most common risk factor.),
  • Eczema (Allergy that affecting on screen), and
  • Genetic predisposition (any family History of Asthma).

What Are Asthma Symptoms and Signs?

At the point when the airways become panic and inflammation, the attack is encounter. Check out the Asthma Symptoms, Causes and Treatments. The asthma attack may come on instantly or grow gradually more than a few days or hours. The fundamental side effects that signal an attack are as per the following:

  • Difficulty in Speaking.
  • Shortness of Breathing,
  • Chest tightness,
  • Wheezing, and
  • Coughing

Side effects may happen amid the day or around night time. If they occur around night time, they may bother your sleep. Dr Sheetu Singh is the Best Asthma Specialist Doctor in Jaipur.

Are There Home Remedies for Asthma?

Current treatment procedure is intended to reduce inflammation, discomfort, and the area to which you need to confine your exercises. If you honestly follow your treatment procedure, you ought to have the capacity to maintain a strategic distance from or lessen your visits to your doctor or asthma specialist.

  • First you need to know about your causes and what you can do to reduce them.
  • If you are smoking, quit it.
  • Try not to take cough medicine. These medications don’t help asthma and may cause undesirable symptoms.
  • Nonsteroidal mitigating or Aspirin drugs, for example, ibuprofen, can make asthma worsen in specific people. These drugs ought not to be taken without the counsel of your doctor.
  • Try not to utilize nonprescription inhalers. These contain short-acting medications that may not keep going sufficiently long to relieve an asthma attack and may cause undesirable symptoms.
  • Take just the drugs your doctor has recommended for your asthma. Take them as prescribed.


Pulmonology is a medicine sub-area that deals with treating, preventing, and diagnosing lung respiratory tract and lung conditions. Dr. Sheetu Singh is an expert in handling conditions such as tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia, and other serious chest diseases.

Patients suffering from respiratory diseases often think that it is exceptionally hard to inhale with no exertion. More often than not, respiratory illness will put an impact on your daily life by decreasing routine work. We are concerned about your health; Dr. Sheetu Singh is the Best Pulmonologist in Jaipur, Rajasthan for your care.

What is Lung Disease?

Lung disease is defined as any condition in the lungs that stops the lungs from functioning normally. Lung diseases are among the most frequent medical conditions worldwide. 10 million people in the United States alone are affected by lung disease. The majority of lung diseases are caused by smoking, infections, or genetic factors.

When you breathe, your lungs absorb oxygen from the air and transport it to your bloodstream. Your body’s cells require oxygen to function and grow. You breathe almost 25,000 times every day on average. Individuals suffering from lung illness have trouble breathing.

Asthma, COPD, infections such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer, and a variety of other breathing issues are all examples of lung disease. Some lung diseases can result in respiratory failure. Dr Sheetu Singh is the best lung specialist in Jaipur, offering the best lung therapy, diagnosis, and management of various pulmonary disorders.

Types of Lung Disease

Lung disease is classified into three types:-

1. Airway Diseases

These diseases affect the tubes (airways) that transport oxygen and other gases into and out of the lungs. They typically induce constriction or obstruction of the airways. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiolitis, and bronchiectasis are examples of airway disease (which also is the main disorder for persons with cystic fibrosis).

2. Lung Tissue Diseases

These disorders have an impact on the structure of the lung tissue. Scarring or inflammation of the tissue inhibits the lungs from expanding normally (restrictive lung disease). This affects the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Patients with this form of lung illness frequently describe themselves as ‘wearing a too-tight jumper or vest’.

3. Lung Circulation Diseases

These diseases have an impact on the blood arteries in the lungs. They are brought on by blood vessel clotting, scarring, or inflammation. They impair the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Some illnesses may potentially have an impact on cardiac function. Pulmonary hypertension is one example of a lung circulation disease.

Type of Lung Disease - Dr. Sheetu Singh
Type of Lung Disease – Dr. Sheetu Singh

Causes of Lung Disease

Cigarette smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer in the world. Secondhand smoke can also raise a person’s risk of developing the condition. Asbestos, radon gas, air pollution, and substances such as uranium, beryllium, vinyl chloride, and arsenic have also been related to lung disease.
Just a small fraction of chronic smokers develop clinically evident COPD, but many long-term smokers may develop reduced lung function. Less common lung diseases emerge in some smokers.

Symptoms of Lung Disease

COPD symptoms frequently do not appear until severe lung damage has occurred, and they normally worsen over time, especially if smoking is continued. Lung disease symptoms and signs may include:

  • Wheezing.
  • Breathing difficulties, particularly during physical activities.
  • Chest tightness.
  • A chronic cough with mucus (sputum) that might be clear, white, yellow, or greenish.
  • Infections of the lungs regularly.
  • Unintentional weight loss (in later stages).
  • Lack of energy.
  • Swelling in feet, legs, or ankles.
Symptoms of Lung Disease - Dr. Sheetu Singh
Symptoms of Lung Disease – Dr. Sheetu Singh

Dr. Sheetu Singh is the best lung specialist in Jaipur, Rajasthan, patients receive exceptional treatment and care. She is regarded as India’s greatest pulmonologist and has successfully conducted numerous lung procedures,

Best Pulmonologist in Rajasthan

Asthma Bhawan has a group of physicians and surgeons who are experts and give the best treatments to every patient experiencing the respiratory disease. Dr. Sheetu Singh’s aim is to help each person who is suffering from lung disorders by offering the best treatment, She is the Best Pulmonologist in Rajasthan.

Pulmonologists treat and analyze conditions that influence the respiratory system in males and females. Pulmonologists have mastery in the mention below of respiratory issues:

  • Inflammatory
  • Structural
  • Neoplastic, abnormal growth of tissue or tumor
  • Infectious

In a few cases, this reaches out to the cardiovascular procedure. Certain states, for example, pneumonic vascular infection, can influence the respiratory part yet go ahead to influence different organs in the body.


In Asthma Bhawan, the consultation and ward rooms are very much furnished with all the propelled machinery that is needed for the treatment of the patients. The hospital has well-staffed with technicians and nurses to take care of the patient easily. Check Out the Best Chest Specialist in Jaipur.

Dr. Sheetu Singh is the best pulmonologist in Rajasthan providing the best lung treatment, and diagnosis, and dealing with all types of pulmonary diseases. She is the Best Respiratory Specialist in Jaipur, Rajasthan, delivering extraordinary treatment and care to patients. She is perceived as the best lung specialist in Rajasthan, India, and has experience in successfully performing various lung surgeries.


Lung Diseases: Types and Causes: Globally, lung diseases are one of the most common medical issues. A large number of people are affected by lung diseases in India. The main causes of this disease are infections, genetics, and smoking. The fundamental role of the lungs is the action of gas exchange called breathing (or respiration). Our lungs inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of metabolism. If the lung is not properly working it means that the capacity to exchange gases is decreased. In the next section, we are going to discuss some lung diseases.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Airwayslung disease

The windpipe or trachea branches into tubes known as bronchi, which turn branch to end up continuously littler tubes all through the lungs. Check Lung Diseases: Types and Causes that influence the aviation routes include:

  • Asthma:- The aviation routes are continuously aroused. Difficulty in breathing and wheezing are symptoms of asthma. Asthma can be trigger due to pollution, Allergies and infections. Asthma Specialist in Jaipur
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease):- Lung conditions characterized by a difficulty to breathe out regularly, which causes trouble breathing.
  • Chronic bronchitis: A type of COPD described by a long term productive cough.
  • Emphysema:- Damage in lung enables air to be caught in the lungs in this type of COPD. Trouble blowing air out is its trademark.
  • Acute bronchitis:- Due to any virus, sudden infection of the aviation routes.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Alveoli (Air Sacs)

The aviation routes after some time branch into modest tubes (bronchioles) that deadlock into clusters of alveoli known as air sacs. These alveoli make up a large portion of the lung tissue. Lung diseases influencing the air sacs include:

  • Pneumonia:- A disease of the alveoli, normally by bacteria
  • Tuberculosis (TB):- A gradually dynamic pneumonia caused by the microorganisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Emphysema:- Emphysema happens because of harm to the fragile link between air sacs. Smoking is the main reason. (Emphysema likewise restricts the flow of air, influencing the aviation routes too.)
  • Lung Cancer:- Lung tumor has numerous structures, and may build in any corner of the lungs. Frequently this is in the fundamental part of the lung, in or close to the alveoli. The location, spread and type of lung disease decides the treatment alternatives. Click Here to know more: Chest Specialist in Jaipur.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Interstitium

The interstitium is the infinitesimally thin, fragile covering between the lungs’ alveoli. Small veins gone through the interstitium and permit gas trade between the alveoli and the blood. Lung Diseases: Types and Causes influence the interstitium:

ILD or Interstitial Lung Diseases:-  An expansive accumulation of lung conditions influencing the interstitium. Idiopathic aspiratory fibrosis, immune system and Sarcoidosis dieseases are among the numerous kinds of interstitial lung disease.

Aspiration edemas and pneumonias can likewise influence the interstitium.


Best Interstitial lung Disease ILD Specialist Doctor in Jaipur: Interstitial lung ailment (ILD) is a term that is typically used to portray a wide range of conditions influencing the lungs. There are more than 200 sorts of known ILD infections that influence the ‘interstitial’ – a piece of the lungs which is made of a ribbon like system of tissues. An ILD condition would regularly prompt scarring or thickening of the tissues supporting the air sacs of the lungs, which diminishes the oxygen spill out of lungs into the circulation system of the influenced individual. The infinitesimal trade of gas between air in the lungs and blood gets influenced because of ILD.

A delayed thickening or scarring of lung tissues because of ILD can in the long run outcome in irreversible lung firmness, which would at last influence the capacity of a man to relax. A few sorts of ILD are transitory though others can be incessant where full recuperation may not be conceivable. Dr Sheetu Singh is top ILD Specialist in Jaipur.

The correct system that triggers this scarring procedure isn’t unmistakably comprehended by researchers. The respiratory framework is for the most part fruitful in its endeavors to clear remote issue, for example, clean from the body; however asbestos filaments are particularly troublesome for the lungs to remove. At the point when the body reacts to this sort of damage, the repair procedure frequently prompts scarring and damage.

The signs and symptoms of ILD Interstitial lung disease and asbestosis are like the side effects of other lung conditions, for example, COPD and asthma. Lamentably, when the indications show up, perpetual lung harm has just happened. In Our Hospital we have a best team of ILD Specialist in Jaipur.

The following sign and symptoms are the most common signs of ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease):

  • Shortness of breath
  • Increasing fatigue during exertion
  • Coughing
  • Chest pain

A few patients may encounter clubbed fingers

  • Fever
  • Weight loss


Bronchoscopy Specialist in Jaipur: Bronchoscopy is a method of envisioning within the aviation routes for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. An instrument (bronchoscope) is embedded into the aviation routes, more often inserted through the mouth or nose, or once in a while through a tracheostomy. This enables the specialist to analyze the patient’s aviation routes for abnormalities, for example, inflammation, tumors, foreign bodies or bleeding. The development of bronchoscopes ranges from inflexible metal tubes with connected lighting gadgets to adaptable optical fiber instruments with realtime video gear. Dr Sheetu Singh is top Bronchoscopy Specialist in Jaipur.

Once the tube is embedded into the lungs, the specialist may send solution of saline through the tube. This washes the lungs and enables the specialist to gather all tests of fluids, lung cells. This piece of the technique is known as a lavage. Sometimes, needles, small brushes, or forceps might be gone through the bronchoscope and used to take tissue tests (biopsies) inside your lungs. The specialist can likewise put a stent in the aviation route or view the lungs with ultrasound amid a bronchoscopy. In our hospital we have the best team of Bronchoscopy Specialist in Jaipur.

What is the need of Bronchoscopy Test

Bronchoscopy encourages specialist to analyze lung issues. The specialist is professionals to examine the aviation routes or take a biopsy test. Below are some general reasons to perform bronchoscopy are:

  • Lymph node, Lung growth, atelectasis, or any other changes notice on an x-ray report.
  • Due to ILD diseases (i.e. interstitial lung disease)
  • Coming blood with Cough (known as hemoptysis)
  • Any unfamiliar substance inside the airway
  • Patient have cough for more than 3-4 months with any reason
  • Any kind of Infections inside the bronchi and lungs
  • Inhaled any chemical or toxic gas

Bronchoscopy is additionally done to treat a lung or aviation route issue, for example,

  • Remove bodily fluid or plugs fittings from your aviation routes
  • Remove an unfamiliar substance from your aviation routes
  • Widen (expand) an aviation route that is narrowed and blocked
  • Drain an ulcer
  • Treat disease utilizing various distinctive procedures
  • Wash out an aviation route i.e. therapeutic lavage


Asthma Specialist in Jaipur: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects the airways of the lungs. It is a common condition, with an estimated 235 million people worldwide affected by it. Asthma can develop at any age, but it most commonly starts in childhood. While asthma can be a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition, with proper management and treatment, most people with asthma are able to lead normal, active lives.

In this article, we are talking about the risk factor for Asthma Disease. Have you ever thought, about what puts a person at risk for developing asthma??? Any idea!!! No, ok just read the full article. In the below section, we are describing some common risk factors that are normally responsible for developing asthma.

Family history

If your parent or grandparent is suffering from asthma disease then the chances automatically increase to four to seven times in you more than a person who doesn’t have any family history of asthma.

Viral respiratory infections

In most cases, if a person during childhood or babyhood had any respiratory problems that cause breathing roughly at night or any child experienced viral lungs or respiratory infections then the chances are increases to develop chronic asthma.


If any person is have any type of allergy then it may be possible that it is the main reason for asthma. Don’t take allergies in an easy, immediate consultation with your doctor.

Occupational exposures

In your workplace, if you come in contact with certain substances or elements such as dust (wood or industrial dust), chemical vapors, gases or fumes can cause asthma symptoms.


If you are a smoker, then here we tell you smoking causes a high risk of asthma. If a woman smokes during the time of pregnancy then the chances automatically increase that her child will suffer from asthma in the future.

Air Pollution

Air pollution also increases the risk of asthma. People who grew up in highly polluted areas or in urban areas have raised risk of asthma.


Being overweight means the invitation of other diseases and asthma is one of those diseases. Due to obesity, a person suffers from worse symptoms and uses more medications, and is unable to control their asthma than a person who is fit and comes in the healthy weight range. Dr Sheetu Singh is An Asthma Specialist. Get the best treatment from the top Asthma Specialist in Jaipur.

There is bronchial tubes normally known as airways, it provides way to air to inhale or exhale of the lungs. Asthma is never ending disease but with the right prescription you can control it. Dr Sheetu Singh is the best Asthma Specialist in Rajasthan. Patient who have asthma, there airways are always puffed up. When anything triggers your symptoms, then airways will become more inflamed and the muscles present around airways get tighten. This creates difficulty for patient to breathe in and breathe out. The common symptoms are wheezing, chest tightness, coughing and shortness of breath.

Asthma Symptoms come in notice when patient perform any physical activity or while doing exercise. When any healthy person faces any symptoms of asthma on doing exercise then it is called as EIB i.e. exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or EIA i.e. exercise-induced asthma. In our daily life, staying fit is a best way to be healthy. Our Asthma Specialist in Rajasthan will create a management plan to keep control your symptoms.

If a person have family history of asthma or an allergies then the chances of asthma is automatically increases. Many patients have allergies with asthma i.e. called as allergic asthma. Occupational asthma is generating by inhaling dust, fumes, gases or any other harmful substances while on the job.

In today’s world, asthma is children are an increase over the years i.e. comes under the category childhood asthma. There is not any permanent solution of Asthma, but after the diagnosis, doctor will develop a proper plan that manages your condition and your daily life activities will improve.

To treating with asthma we have best immunologist or allergist qualified physician. With the help of physician, you can control your situations and live a normal life by doing any physical activity.


Dr. Sheetu Singh is known for the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Specialist in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Sleep Apnea is a sleep clutter described by difficulty in breathing or airways get shallow during breathing at the time of sleep. Patient will face difficulty that is as last for a few seconds to minutes and generally it is happen in night. Due to blockage in airways, it causes loud snoring. At the time of forceful inhalation snorting noises is occur that may be sound like choking. As it affected normal sleep, due to this patient may feel tiredness or sleepiness during day time. In most of the cases children also face these issues.

Sleep Apnea is characterized into 3 parts, Central (CSA), obstructive (OSA) and a mixture of these two known as mixed. OSA is common form among them. In OSA Risk factor is allergies, overweight, enlarged tonsils, any family history of this disease and small airway. In OSA, due to blockage of airflow, patient feels difficulty in breath. In CSA, patient is unable to breathe as last as few seconds too few minutes. Generally, people who have this disease, they don’t even know about it. In Sleep Apnea, we put patient on under observation for whole night and perform overnight sleep study. In Our hospital we have a best team of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Specialist in Jaipur with having good year of experience.

The treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea is consisting of breathing devices, surgery, mouthpieces, and lifestyle changes. In lifestyle change we are talking about stop smoking, avoid alcohol; avoid sleeping on one’s side, losing weight. We advise to our patient to use breathing devices such as CPAP Machine. Without the proper treatment, it increases the risk factors of diabetes, heart attack, heart failure and stroke.

Risk Factor for Sleep Apnea is characterized as:

This disease is target in any age of people, including children

  • Being male
  • Being over age 40
  • Being overweight
  • Having a large neck size (increases up to 17 inches in men or in women it increase up to 16inches)
  • Having large tongue, large tonsils or a small jaw bone
  • Having a any family history of this disease
  • Having issues such as deviated septum, sinus problems, allergies


Specialist Doctor for Chest Treatment in Jaipur: Dr Sheetu Singh is one of the best Chest Specialist in Jaipur. Chest Pain is normally ascribed to heart disease people, who are suffering from heart disease and experienced dubious irritation, in which chest pain does not seem to be enough explanation. Generally, it describes any heart problem or heart attack that may be associated or characterized with any one of the following points:

  • Tightness, pressure, or fullness in your chest area.
  • Cold Sweats
  • Breathing issue or shortness of breath
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Weakness or Dizziness
  • Extreme Chest pain that spread out into your arms, back, jaw, shoulders, neck.
  • Feeling pain that is getting worse with your routine activity and then it goes away, again come back.

Diagnosis and Test

If random pain occurs in your chest then it doesn’t mean that it is giving the signal of a heart attack. You need to be immediately concerned with the Chest Specialist in Jaipur. But in the emergency room, a specialist will check for a heart attack first only to confirm that your life is not in danger. Then they check other symptoms such as any clot in your lung or collapsed lung. Doctors performed some immediate or life-saving test such as:

  • ECG (Electrocardiogram):- In this test electrodes is attached to your skin and by this machine, the doctor monitors the electrical activity of your heart. When the heart muscle is injured, the electrical impulses generate the electrodes do not seem normal, the ECG being the best way to identify a heart attack is occurred or not. 
  • Blood Test:- In our heart muscle, some enzymes are found so by performing the blood test, the doctor checks the increment level of enzymes. When heart cells in injured, then these enzymes will leak into your blood due to a heart attack over hours.
  • X-Ray Test:- X-Ray will tell the doctor about the condition of your lungs, major blood vessels, or the shape and size of your heart. If your lung has a certain issue such as a collapsed lung or pneumonia, on an X-Ray report doctor can check out these issues.

Dr. Sheetu Singh, a nationally renowned pulmonologist, Director ILD & Pulmonary Rehab Clinic, is an expert in chest-related conditions. She got her training from SMS Medical College, Jaipur followed by a visit to Cleveland Clinic, USA.

Contact Info

Address: Mahavir Jaipuriya Rajasthan Hospital Milap Nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur

Mobile: (+91)-8696666380


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